
What makes your muscles "twitch"?

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Its driving me nuts!!!:S

The muscles on the back of my upper arm (just the right arm) has been twitching off and on all week. Most of the time it is when I am relaxed and just sitting or laying down...not when I am at work. Is my arm trying to tell me something?

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Its driving me nuts!!!:S

The muscles on the back of my upper arm (just the right arm) has been twitching off and on all week. Most of the time it is when I am relaxed and just sitting or laying down...not when I am at work. Is my arm trying to tell me something?


Low potassium levels. Eat a banana.

edited to add:
A little magnesium probably wouldn't hurt either.


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Its driving me nuts!!!:S

The muscles on the back of my upper arm (just the right arm) has been twitching off and on all week. Most of the time it is when I am relaxed and just sitting or laying down...not when I am at work. Is my arm trying to tell me something?


Sex twitches. Either too much, or too little.

Seriously though, same thing happens to me every once in a while. Did it just yesterday for a few minutes as a matter of fact. There's a lot of different things that could cause it. I have no idea where to begin.

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I love it when it does that.

What makes them ache?

Lactic acid buildup. Sit in a jacuzzi for 30 minutes and take 2 Tylenol.


How would one combat this before it starts to hurt. Prevent is the word i was looking for.
Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

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I love it when it does that.

What makes them ache?

Lactic acid buildup. Sit in a jacuzzi for 30 minutes and take 2 Tylenol.


How would one combat this before it starts to hurt. Prevent is the word i was looking for.

Avoid all muscle exertion.

The downside to that approach, though, is that your body will deteriorate and you will have the muscle tone of the average slug. You are far better off exercising.

If the muscle aches/soreness are from exercise, cut back on your workouts or reduce the intensity a little bit until your body becomes accustomed to your activity level.

You may also want to consider taking a couple of Tylenol before working out, but to my way of thinking, this is a very bad idea because if you are having pain, your body is trying to tell you something.


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I am not talking about the sore that you get after lifting where you feel like everything is swollen (man am i going to get shit for that statment later) but more the whole aching when i am sitting in bed. Is there not something that i can eat. My old Lacrosse coach used to say Alkaseltzer. That seemed to work but i wanted to prevent it no fix it.
Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

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And why is it that on a Friday no less, this post has gone on this far and no one has stated the obvious...

The sex was so good, it made your muscles twitch!:o

We are all just too damn lazy to be perverted...Just finished my coffee GAMEON!
Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

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I am not talking about the sore that you get after lifting where you feel like everything is swollen (man am i going to get shit for that statment later) but more the whole aching when i am sitting in bed. Is there not something that i can eat. My old Lacrosse coach used to say Alkaseltzer. That seemed to work but i wanted to prevent it no fix it.

Without looking it up, I'm guessing that AlkaSeltzer is a mix of sodium bicarbonate and aspirin. I doubt the bicarb will do anything for the soreness, so if AlkaSeltzer had any effect, it was probably because it contains aspirin.

Sounds like you are having some kind of abnormal muscle pain and should see a doctor.

Is it all over aches or restricted to certain areas of your body?


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"once in a while"

Its been everyday for me....not when I am running around at work, mostly when I am relaxed and kicked back.


For women experiencing serious cases of this, I usually recommend one of Dr. Walt's hot meat injections. Not that I'm a doctor, or that it will cure the problem, but it will at least make *me* feel better!


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I am not talking about the sore that you get after lifting where you feel like everything is swollen (man am i going to get shit for that statment later) but more the whole aching when i am sitting in bed. Is there not something that i can eat. My old Lacrosse coach used to say Alkaseltzer. That seemed to work but i wanted to prevent it no fix it.

Without looking it up, I'm guessing that AlkaSeltzer is a mix of sodium bicarbonate and aspirin. I doubt the bicarb will do anything for the soreness, so if AlkaSeltzer had any effect, it was probably because it contains aspirin.

Sounds like you are having some kind of abnormal muscle pain and should see a doctor.

Is it all over aches or restricted to certain areas of your body?


Usually my legs it doesn't happen all that much, I think that is a combination of a lack of Potasium, and dehydration. It happens that i get a little dehydrated at the end of the day since i have been pushing my self pretty hard in the gym these days. But thats all going to end as I am rededicating myself to water.
Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

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I had that happen for a few weeks not to long ago. My arm would visibly spasm on and off all day. It was so annoying and a little disturbing :S I was kinda stressed out at the time, so I attribute it to that. Weird nervous twitch? Went away on its own after a while but still happens from time to time.

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I am not talking about the sore that you get after lifting where you feel like everything is swollen (man am i going to get shit for that statment later) but more the whole aching when i am sitting in bed. Is there not something that i can eat. My old Lacrosse coach used to say Alkaseltzer. That seemed to work but i wanted to prevent it no fix it.

Without looking it up, I'm guessing that AlkaSeltzer is a mix of sodium bicarbonate and aspirin. I doubt the bicarb will do anything for the soreness, so if AlkaSeltzer had any effect, it was probably because it contains aspirin.

Sounds like you are having some kind of abnormal muscle pain and should see a doctor.

Is it all over aches or restricted to certain areas of your body?


I'm not sure how effective drinking it is, but bicarbonate made in your body is used to buffer/neutralize lactic acid.

Edit to add: Bicarbonate loading has been used in the past by athletes to prevent the changes in pH that occur with exercise, but too much of it causes gastrointestinal distress, so large quantities are not good unless you enjoy diarrhea while running...

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With bicarb, it reduces the acidity of your blood, thus reducing the effects of lactic acid. They did tests 2 years ago with a few of the rowing guys and it acts as a buffer, though large amoutns must be consumed...usually this is not consumed orally:o It works for about 1800m of a 2km race but then causes a catastropohic onset of fatigue.

If you want to get rid of lactic acid the best thing to do is switch between an ice bath and a hot shower/spa/bath. This is the quickest and most effective method of getting rid of lactic acid. A cold and then hot shower will suffice, but repeat a few times. Also massge does well too.

Fanally, who's going to give you the cure all hot-beef injection? Only the really gifted can self inject:P
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