
Which Helmet should I get?

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Hey everyone,
I am still new to the skydiving sport (20 jumps) but I am wanting to start to get my own gear. I have already bought the VISO digital alt. and love it. Now I am wanting to get my own helmet and goggles. My question is should I get a full face helmet or an open face helmet with goggles. I am wanting to do both RW and freeflying. I know the most people use the full face for RW work and the open face for freeflying. The reason I am not wanting to wait is because the DZ I am jumping at charges rent on EVERYTHING! Including helmet and goggles ($5 each). I know it's not much but it is sort of getting expensive. Thanks for the help!

Q: Why would someone ever want to jump from a perfectly good airplane?

A: Why Not?

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. I know the most people use the full face for RW work and the open face for freeflying.

More and more FFers are using full faces now too.

I'm pretty sure USPA doent have any limitation, but check with your DZ if they allow students on full faces (the UK doesnt for example). Then its a question of personal taste. You can use either type for any style of flying. Try/demo both if you can and see which you prefer.

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Im with Remster. Id rather use a full face for freefly than use an open face for RW. Personally I couldnt decide which to get though, so I got a Bonehead Mamba and a Protec (until I can afford a better open face). I love the full face though, I have a feeling Ill be using it a lot.
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Get a cheap used pro-tec. Decide what you want for keeps later on in your career. You might decide FF isn't your thing and want a Z1 for belly, or CREW turns out to be your gig, or you go camera and want something with a good side-mount d-box.

Go used and cheap for misc when you're starting out and save up the cash. Then go cheap and used for what you decide you want. ;)

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If money is a problem, then absolutely go cheap for now. If you are willing to invest a couple hundred on a full or open face helmet, the most important thing I would say is to try on different versions of the style you choose. Don't just go with the first open or full face that you see - they are different. For example, full face helmets offer different ranges of visibility and feature that are specific to what YOU like, not other people.

Walk around the DZ and ask others to check them all out. Don't sweat buying a cheap one for now. The reality is that if you begin a lifetime of jumping, you will likely own at least a couple helmets.

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