
United 93 movie

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Did anyone see this? We rented it the other night.

All I can say is wow.

I watched it Monday night and thought it was pretty good. It did a great job depicting the overwhelming confusion in those first couple of hours.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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The movie is -extremely- powerful.

About half of the movie's characters (ATC, NORAD, FAA) are in the words and in a lot of cases protrayed by the people actually involved in the events of the day. I believe that all of those people related their stories as best and accurately as possible from their own points of view.

The other half of the movie's characters (the people actually on the aircraft, including the terrorists) had to be given voice by historical records (cockpit voice recorder transcripts and cell phone remembrances) and partially by conjecture based on interviews with surviving family members.

I believe that all involved did as best as they could to accurately portray everyone without a lot of "extra" drama or composite characters, again, including what we seem to know about even the terrorist.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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This was a hard movie to watch, but so tragically inspiring.

Another thing to note regarding the cast; The men who played the terrorists were segragated from the passengers and crew except for when filming. The director want to make sure they didn't become "friends" while filming and have that show up in filming. I'm so glad that there weren't any A listers in the cast, but rather real, ordinary citizens, just like the real United 93 flight.

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