
How to get dogs to make friends?

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My sister's BF gave her a miniature dachschund puppy for their anniversary, and our dogs DO NOT like it. Now, it won't normally be an issue, as my sister lives elsewhere, but she'll be home for 3 weeks at Christmas.

How can we get the 2 bigger dogs (a German Shepherd mix and a some sort of big, fat terrier mutt) to be comfortable with this one little dog? I'm afraid the shepherd's gonna bite her head off. :(

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It may not be realistic to expect the adult dogs to befriend an obnoxious little territory-invading puppy in only three weeks' time. If all three dogs are well trained and obedient, then simply watching them together and verbally scolding any anti-social behavior is the best idea. Make sure they all have separate food dishes, preferably out of sight of each other. Be ready to separate them if you have to leave them unsupervised.


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Most adult dogs are tolerant of puppies, more tolerant than if you brought a 1 year old dog into the house to get along with the established pack.

The puppy needs a crate, a place to go to get away from the adults as well as to be put when annoying the adults. I have a Belgian Shepherd and a German Shepherd and both of them have limits, the German has less due to her age (13) the belgian, well the puppy will have limits before he finds his. :P

Just make sure there is a way to split them up if it gets out of hand and you as the human pack leader set the limit and split them up when needed. Both of my dogs are trained so verbally getting my dogs to tow the line is easy.
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I'm not sure I have any real help... but... yesterday we had 4 dogs at my parents house... two big dogs (Karma and Casey both labrador types) and two little dogs... a terrier of some type and Shelly a minature dashsund...

at one point in the evening Karma (at 75 lbs) and Shelly (7.5 lbs... on a heavy day) were playing... Karma was on top of shelly who was rolling around on her back, licking at karma (having a blast btw...) periodically Karma would let her up... and shelly would run about a bit then turn around and play some more... I was very pleased with how Karma was playing but not too roughly with the tiny little pup... :)
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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