
Manners and reactions

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I was more apologizing because she was being given a hard time - not so much because the other person was being an ass. One of those "sorry, you're having a rough time with the TOOL at table 3" kinda thing.

I hate to see someone treated that way. I am one of the worst over tippers because I understand just how much crap wait staff have to deal with. I want them to know that I appreciate the job they do, because honestly, I couldn't do it! Peeps all over the place would be wearing Spagetti on their heads!
Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."

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Having just gotten out of that business, I know exactly what you are talking about!!

Simple answer, treat others how you want to be treated!! Karma is a bitch!! People like that will find that out sooner or later!!

It is a shame because many people in the restaurant business are educated and personable, but people like that sometimes can't see it or just don't care and have a tendency to talk down to servers.

There are also some people that feel they are not wrong no matter what they do or say[:/]

Servers are people to, and until you have worked in that industry it is difficult to understand how stressful the restaurant business can be!!!

But always remember that the same person you are talking down to, also controls your FOOD:ph34r::P and believe me, I have seen some crazy stuff:S

till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates....
In skydiving, the only thing that stops you is the ground..............
PMS# 472 Muff #3863 TPM#95

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I'm trying to get my head on straight about something that tends to grate on my nerves, so I thought I'd hit the audience here with it, as this place tends to be fairly divided on most sides of issues presented here, as is to be expected of a random slice of humanity.

No hypothetical scenarios here. I have a co-worker who is consistently rude or curt to serving staff at the places we frequent for lunches, as well as being the type of person who finds it impossible to keep more food in his mouth than on the table, chair and floor. We used to kid him about it, in a friendly attempt to hone some of his rougher edges. He's admitted to knowing he has those tendencies, but actively refuses to alter his behavior.

Last week, I jokingly commented at lunch that manners don't cost a thing, and that the word "please" is an easy and kind gesture when dealing with serving staff. He felt attacked and proceeded to tell me that the word "please" doesn't even fit in normal conversations and that I am a jackass. He made quite a scene. I've since refrained from attending lunches that include him, in an attempt to reduce the discomfort of the rest of my co-workers.

My questions are, 1) is it wrong to want people to be polite and kind, especially to serving staff, who catch enough crap in their daily work lives; 2) are you more inclined to be polite in those circumstances, or do you take your restaurant staff for granted; and 3) do you know people who are like this guy and how do you handle it? I've simply decided not to attend lunch if I know he's going to be included in the group, to reduce the strain and stress on the rest of my co-workers.

Answers on all sides of this issue are not only expected, but welcome. It never hurts to see all sides of something like this.

That guy sounds like a real jackass. Ive known since I was about 5 years old how to treat service staff. Always recieve and ask for anything with please's and thank you's and be as courteous as possible. My mom used to be a bar tender and my dad was a waiter for a long time so they knew how rude people could be and they did their best to show me the right manners.

It amazes me how people can mistreat others who are serving them, and I see it all the time. Even if someone is really screwing up an order or has been really slow I always try to be patient and help them in any way i can. If someone is showing true effort with lackluster results I usually still give them a good tip and encourage them.

I live in South Florida where I see horrible treatment of wait staff all the time by (I dont wanna offend anyone but its the truth) French Canadien tourists and old Jewish New Yorkers. Its incredible how disrespectful some of them are and it makes me sick.

I worked for a summer as a server for my Uncles Catering company. It was amazing how rude people could be even when things are running smoothly. I wholeheartedly believe that Karma will bite these people in the ass.

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