
Re: [SkymonkeyONE] Drogue rig double malfunction, no injuries - 20 January 2007

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nice story/ glad you're ok and NO offense......
for the record..........

Johnny Gates did NOT "go In"......
and i take issue with your terminology

i didn't know the guy personally, but i believe he suffered a heart attack at deployment time, right??????

His correct use and arming of an AAD , prior to the skydive, allowed his body to descend to the ground, more or less in better shape than if he was without that device...

rah rah rah and all that other shit... but the term you used doesn't really apply to him.....does it????
that term applies to someone who still has all of his/her faculties intact and yet fails to activate a ripcord pull , or seriously loses altitude awareness, or otherwise hits the ground at too fast a rate of speed to survive, or somehow experiences a "pilot error" or a serious and unfixable canopy issue.....and as such does not survive...........IMHO
you do His memory a disservice, if you say he 'went in'.....No?????
"went OUT"... maybe .... and with style and dignity, as unexpected as it was.... :(

no offense intended....[:/]
scr scs nscr.

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This is not a Johnny Gates thread, guys. No, I clearly should have said "died", but you guys taking that as disrespect clearly don't know his camper sits two over from mine here on the DZ and that he was a friend (and fellow muff brother). Sorry for the wording. Holy shit. Sorry that's all you got from this report.

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