
The "Self Centered Prick" (It is probably YOU) - MUST READ

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The paralells between skydiving and aviation are profound.

"The Self Centered Prick" has been an aviation staple since 1903.

There is a document that is famous in aviation circles. It was written by a Major in the Air Force named Tony Kern in 1995 about a B-52 crash at Fairchild AFB in Washington.


Longer Clip -


It is called "Darker Shades of Blue" and it was revolutionary in the fact that it shook the US Air Force to its core. Maj. Kern was not assigned to write this report, he did it on his own and at serious risk to his career, shoved it up the chain of command until it was taken seriously.


The similarities between the "rogue" in this B-52 crash and the 'rouge' in the recent mid-air are real.

I have met with Dr. Kern, and asked him, "Why did the Air Force fail to stop Col Bud Holland? Dr. Kern replied, "It didn't fail to stop him, it CREATED him".

These 'self centered pricks', 'rogues', 'mavericks', whatever nomenclature you want to use are never simply born, they are created and nurtured by an entity too weak to stop them.

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I have met with Dr. Kern, and asked him, "Why did the Air Force fail to stop Col Bud Holland? Dr. Kern replied, "It didn't fail to stop him, it CREATED him".

Wise words. How many of these incidents would we have if there was no audience?

As long as we applaud pushing the limits and exhault the cutting edge, what makes us think these will stop? :| And without pushing the limits and testing ourselves, we cannot move beyond our abilities...

I don't see a simple solution.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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The man was an utter cock of the highest level - no argument there - I've read the accident reports.

I'll provide a link later - you might just feel it necessary to call him worse than what I've said after reading it.

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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I have to admit, I am a huge fan of Dr. Kern.

Here is a famous piece he wrote after 9-11...You probably have read it: (it was soo good it was thought to be an urban legend)


I went to one of his Global War on Error http://www.g-woe.com conferences on Norfolk VA this year where he spoke to a bunch of Marine Aviators. It was astounding to see a bunch of Marines mesmerized by a presentation based on their own failures and human flaws. The Fratricide segments brought a few to tears.

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The man was an utter cock of the highest level

Please, Please. Please.....

The point that you must foucus on is not the cock itself, but those who stroked it.

-and with that, Duckwater claims the Dropzone.com 'Reply of the Day' award. B|
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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