
Growing veggies.....

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I've just got my own place and couldn't wait to start my herb/veggie growing. I've put some tomato, strawberry, and jalapeno plants up and a few choice herbs. I want to do green onions, and this is where I'm stuck! --Does anybody have any experience doing green onions? I've googled, wikipedia'd.... the whole bit, but I'm still not satisfied AND I can't find the seeds or bulbs to start them. If anybody can throw in their two cents or experience, then me love you long time! ;)

Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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You should be able to find onion sets at any nursery or even Lowes or Home Depot. Here in Kentucky, they're everywhere, Ace Hardware, grocery stores, service stations, etc. Having said that, I put out 40 or so sets last year and in a banner year for everything else planted in the garden, not one onion came up. Avoided them this year.
The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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Personally, I wouldn't bother with anything which is as tasty bought as it is grown, and I think scallions fall in that camp. It is nice to have some herbs, since those usually come in too-large quantities in the store, cost too much, and get old before I can use them. Fresh tomatoes and corn are worlds better than those from the grocery store. I gave up on strawberries -- just too much slug and snail problem, but that may not be the case for you.

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