
Jumpsuit Fit/Mods...

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So I got my jumpsuit in today (from a fellow dz.com member) and it fits me good. It's a Tony Pit and fits a little loose. I don't mind all that much. Let's me put more clothes in for the winter!

However, my only concern is that the legs may be a tad long, affecting the booties. Not sure on how they should fit, but here's a couple of pictures. Any opinions would be appreciated! I'd like to do the mods (if it needs any) myself to save some $$$.


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It is a little hard for me to see it real clearly.

But it looks like your ok, if you can move your toes skyward about an inch or two (max) then you'll be able to apply the booty as it was intended.

Have a instructor of yours look at the suit while you wear it next time your at the DZ, but over all it looks good!

And don't forget, the first jump in the new suit you'll need to head over to the 12oz 24 per container isle and place em in the open for all!
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Allright, yea, its about 2 inches or so to apply the booty...

It'll prolly change a bit with my rig on.


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Pull the fabric in your crotch and around your waist nice and tight with your hands while arching; it'll give you a better idea of what the leg-straps and laterals will do.

To put it in perspective, my FF jumpsuit loses about 1.5" or so from the ankles when I wear a rig.
I really don't know what I'm talking about.

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