
Should I pay it or fight it?

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Got a 2-point, $85 ticket for an "unsafe lane change" while picking up my mom at Newark Airport, of all things.

Called Geico, they say I won't get any rate increase if I plead guilty.

If I fight it, I have to drag my ass to Jersey tomorrow morning.

Is there, other than losing $85.00, any reason to fight it? Will it affect my... anything? credit score, etc?

Any thoughts?
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If you have the time and patience go fight it. Your rates may not go up now. But gets something like this again within 5 years and now you are "unsafe".

You probably will get it dismissed by showing up, or reduced to a warning.

So in the now it doesn't really affect anything. It's the what ifs down the road.
Skymama's #2 stalker -

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You probably will get it dismissed by showing up, or reduced to a warning.

Simplyputsi has a good point...I went to court to argue getting a ticket for going through an intersection under a yellow light (I proceeded on green, but it changed to yellow while I was in the middle - cop said it was yellow to start with, it wasn't).

So I took the morning off work, went downtown. I sat and waited and watched while a gazillion people went in front of the judge to argue stupid stuff they were clearly guilty of...one guy parked his car in the middle of a baseball field - he said he did it because there was no game going and he couldn't find parking on the street: "Hey, what am I suppose to do Judge??? Park 5 fuckin blocks away???":S.

The judge was clearly so annoyed with all this kind of stuff, and wanted to get through his day, that it became clear that people who just went up there and simply said "guilty" were immediately given 6mo. probation, wiped off the record if no further violations.

So depending on your situation, it might be worth your time. Good luck.
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He got pulled over by a Jersey Cop. Jersey cops love to pull over New Yorkers. If you want to fight a ticket in Jersey you have to show up to say you want to fight it, and then they give you a court date. Then you have to schlep back to Jersey and pray the cop who wrote you shows up because if not you have to go home and come back. Just pay the fucker
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Fight it. Geico (any insurer really) will screw you. The rep you spoke to isn't an underwriter. That "2" will appear somewhere, and when you renew in 6 or 12 months, you will see a difference.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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