
helmet said goodbye

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No No, I didn't actually loss the helmut, just almost did. What I need to buy is a helmut that is better suited for RW.

Having a chute in your helmut sounds like a great idea though.
“Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink this beer, th

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Although I am pretty sure a lost helmet is going to stay lost -- I have put one of my "LOST - REWARD" stickers on my helmet. I've got a hundred printed that I put on all my valuable stuff; including altimeter, rig (inside reserve flap near packing card pouch), helmet, laptop, etc.

Laser printed, and then laminated with a layer of packing tape on top of it, should make the labels weather resistant...

Printing out these stickers has already saved my life a couple times when I lost my top-of-the-line BlackBerry 8700 on the street once, and one of my other electronics gadgets.

So you never know. A farmer doing his harvesting duties might telephone you 2 months later asking "how the hell did this helmet end up in the middle of my farm field?"

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hahaaa, today i tried on a friends brand new RAWA helmet... they´ve warned me it would be impressive but the fit and the weight are really incredible!!
i immediatly ordered one and the best thing is: no waiting, i´ll have it tomorrow already, because my friend won´t need it for the next four weeks, so he gave me his and ordered a new one for him!!
raaahhh, live CAN be fantastic with friends like this... thanks haso.

and on friday i´ll hopefully have my sony pc1000, and everything will be great again... B|B|

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