
Playstation 3 / HDTV question

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Here is my intent: To reduce the living room space consumed by my TV and associate electronic devices. I really want a minimalist setup for TV/Gaming/Music I'm more concerned with hi-def video and less concerned with high fidelity audio.

With that in mind, I'm wanting to get a flat panel TV, and a Playstation 3 to play DVDs and music CDs.

Question 1: Can I hook up powered speakers to the Playstation in order to avoid a separate amplifier?

Question 2: Will the Playstation "upconvert" normal DVDs to 1080p? I've read conflicting reports on this. They Sony website does not mention it, so I assume it does not. However, many TVs will upconvert on their own.

Question 3: What else am I not thinking of?

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1: Yes

2: Yes

If all you want the PS3 for is DVD playback and music then I'd suggest an upconverting DVD player. They're cheaper than a PS3. If you want to play games, the Xbox360 has a bigger library available. If you want to watch movies in HD then the PS3 is again something to consider since it has an integrated Blu-Ray player. One thing to consider about HD movies is that the format war isn't close to being over and you may want to wait until things are more definite before purchasing movies in one format or the other. Plus the HD movies are generally more expensive than the DVDs. Hope this helps.
Muff Brother #4026
Loco Zapatos Rodriguez
SCR #14793

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If you want to play games, the Xbox360 has a bigger library available.

I beg to differ...the PS3 is backwards compatable with most PS 1 and 2 games ..... Giving it a freaking hugh selection ;)

I do not own a PS3 yet..but will buy next year once the price drops more....being able to pop in...let say the 1st resident evil without having to dig out my old PS1 is a big selling point to me. :)

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If you want to play games, the Xbox360 has a bigger library available.

I beg to differ...the PS3 is backwards compatable with most PS 1 and 2 games ..... Giving it a freaking hugh selection ;)

Be advised that only the more expensive 80gb version is backwards compatible.

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If you want to play games, the Xbox360 has a bigger library available.

I beg to differ...the PS3 is backwards compatable with most PS 1 and 2 games ..... Giving it a freaking hugh selection ;)

Be advised that only the more expensive 80gb version is backwards compatible.

Correct, the original 80gb PS3 had the actual chips for being able to play the PS1 & 2 games on it. Sony got cheap when they did the first round of price reductions and got rid of the chips. Backwards compatibility is now handled by emulation that doesn't work all that well.
Muff Brother #4026
Loco Zapatos Rodriguez
SCR #14793

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