
Buying equipment

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Hey Tom,

You can try Para-Gear: http://www.para-gear.com/default.asp

or Square 1: http://www.square1.com/

also Unfeathered: http://www.unfeathered.com/

Aerostore's good as well: http://www.aerostore.com/

like most sports...skydiving gear is big biz.

Hey - I'm going to be out in Vail for a few days Feb 19-Feb 22...How's the snow?? I'm a season pass holder at Mammoth here in CA, and haven't been to Vail in almost 6-7 yrs....I can't wait to see all the new acreage (I hear Big Sky Bowl is cool)
Does whisky count as beer? - Homer
There's no justice like angry mob justice. - Skinner
Be careful. There's a limited future in low pulls - JohnMitchell

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An altimeter is one of those things that the place you buy it doesn't really matter. You can shop by price or by who you want to support. Your DZ might sell altimeters... might save shipping that way. But for online shopping, well, skydivestore.com (same site) is good people. They support dropzone.com and skydivingmovies.com, so I'd support them. Unless you hate it here... :P


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I bought all my gear from the skydive store. audibles, helmets (don't ask), a new rig, etc...

Actually just put in my order for a new sabre2 170.

The guy running it, Art is great. I didn't know it at the time but during my last AFF jump I cut him off pretty good in the pattern.... Man I din't have a clue then....

but, later when I called to order my rig (the next week) and we started talking he knew exactly who I was.... haha... I will continue to buy my gear from him as long as he keeps selling....

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