
I'm drunk and frustrated!

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What the heck happend to music?? Where did it go? Why does it not remember who it is? Did all the moments Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart, all the harpist, pianist originals, or any real beat/melody makers (I could go on and list all the glory makers, but I don't want to go over my thought patters) get snuffed out by money?? I have been thinking no one knows that it is to make music anymore. If they do, they are either dead (RIP), or they are so "underground" that they don't get heard by anyone. As a result, I will never be able to hear what they make, or would make.... because they won't make enough money for pushers to let me hear them. It's frustrating! What can you do... You cannot be a punk that says, "What can you do??" I'm a punk...[:/] Let me know if you make some music. I will listen with an open heart and mind. Long live pure music! Take Care! -jec

btw- Watch out, I like to roll into bonfires... but it takes me a while to roll out of them... I'll try to stop posting after eight or nine beers, but I'm not very good at stopping. Unless it's a STOP sign... ... again, I'm drunk and frustrated... I just love the music. (slurred) -drunkjec (stumble) (stumble) (correction stumble)(amazed that he could correct a stumble...)(FALLS... drools a lil... realizes it was a long "btw")(does not get up 'til morning) Cheers! Love ya!
I don't have a license for this.

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I'll have what the gentleman on the floor's having. :ph34r:

This post is certainly not about what I thought it would be, but fortunately it's about ANOTHER sort of frustration with which I can empathize. I don't know what you're into, but you're welcome to peruse a portion of my own musical resources:
Click this, or go to Myspace.com/BoogieChildMusic View all friends, then Categories, then Struggling Rock Stars
Some are unsigned regional bands, some are national and int'l bands I love, and some are acquaintances I'm trying to help out. All have been largely unhindered by radio airplay or ITunes popularity.

I also recommend ArtistDirect.com where you can look up someone you like, and see a list of similar artists, or Pandora.com internet radio where you can do the same and actually hear similar artists, past or present. Just because someone's dead doesn't mean they didn't leave behind a pile of great music you haven't heard yet.


OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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