
Colorblind Pilot?

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I'm red/green colorblind.

I know I can get my private pilot's license but am I able to get a commercial or instrument rating?

I thought maybe I would be able to but with limitations (no night flying).

Anyone know?

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I think you can, but I'm not sure. The person to ask is your flight physician.
It all depends on the 2nd class medical requirements. I know that the close vision reqs are a lot tighter for 2nd than 3rd. I'm going to need bifocals next year to keep my 2nd class>:(.
But I don't know for sure about the color reqs.

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quite sure you can, with limitation "not valid for night flying" due color blindness...

friend of mine works for FAA once showed me list all the things FAA allows...I was like wow... and i'm deaf and left arm ampitee...FAA got lot of waviers on things... I mean lots "basicly their rule is " show us you can do it safely" they'll give you a wavier.. you'll need to contact FAA FSDO {Flight Standards Distict Office} some FAA types are jerks and won't give you so much as the time of the day.. but others will do their job... take time to explaine everything to you...

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