Am I wrong? What should I do or have done?

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Prior to boarding someone should set up the exit order. Usually if there's no LO one of the more experienced jumpers asks around what people are up to. In many or most cases the simple rule is Large and slow then small and fast, Tandems, students and other high-pullers.

Getting the exit order sorted properly before boarding also makes for a more orderly (and thus faster/more efficient) boarding which results in less stress and more awareness. Also reduces chaos prior to exit.

A good DZ briefing (by a member of staff of the DZ = DZO, S&TA or anyone competent appointed by manifest upon registration) should include:

Aerial picture of the DZ and close surroundings pointing out primary & secondary landing areas, windsocks, outs, hazards and beer line. Best combined with a walk around the "landmarks".
Info on calls (Maybe there's some ride to take to the boarding area at the 5 minute call?)
Info on Planes (Multiple dropship DZs, onboard regulations)
Exit sequence.
Deployment altitudes. (If 1,000 ft are "regular deployment altitude" 1,400 ft might be considered high pulling, plus most DZs have minimum "canopy open"altitudes)
Pattern info.

Stuff you might want to ask:
Rigging services, packers and beer availability.

From my experience the quality of the DZ briefing can say a lot about how well a dz is organized and run.
But asking for a briefing is always recommended. Experience is good, local knowledge is better.

HTH ;)

The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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I end up traveling quite a bit. When I travel I end up hitting new dropzones. Last weekend I went to one and it was basically locals only. Skipped twice on manifest and told "our 4 way team needs to jump" umm so skip the newguy! Then told I can get you 5k but we can't take you to altitude. Then they tried to charge me for the two jumps manifest pulled me off! Haha that place was a joke!
If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them

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