
Now that it is Hurricane season....

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Now that you've bought all of that, we're assured not to get a hurricane this year. Thanks! ;)

I know right!!! Thanks for ruining our chances for a good hurricane party Deedy!!!!:P:P:P:P:P;):)
In 2004, when Florida was plumeted over and over, I enjoyed some awesome hurricane parties...

I have lived in Florida for 90% of my life, an have never (nor do I remember my parents ever) stocking up for a hurricane... Dumb maybe... but I have made it so far....:P

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Now that you've bought all of that, we're assured not to get a hurricane this year. Thanks! ;)

I know right!!! Thanks for ruining our chances for a good hurricane party Deedy!!!!:P:P:P:P:P;):)
In 2004, when Florida was plumeted over and over, I enjoyed some awesome hurricane parties...

I have lived in Florida for 90% of my life, an have never (nor do I remember my parents ever) stocking up for a hurricane... Dumb maybe... but I have made it so far....:P

Better to have tons of extras than non at all. I have lived in Tahoe during bad storms when the roads were so bad we were snowed in for weeks. The stores literally have nothing on the shelves. I learned my lesson to be prepared after that...;)
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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