
Being Human

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Anyone watch this new series on SyFy yet? I just watched the premier, and I'm hooked!



I thought skydivers weren't human. ;)

I still can't get over that stupid renaming and rebranding of the SCIFI channel. :|



The current generation of boys will not have this inspiration from science fiction, at least not from science fiction on television and in movies. That’s because there is an undeclared war on real science fiction on TV and in movies. The former Sci-Fi channel, now “Syfy,” is a good example of what has been happening to science fiction on television. In 1998 Bonnie Hammer took over the Sci-Fi channel and declared that “more female viewers were needed.” Over the next several years, the Sci-Fi channel became increasingly feminized, losing many of its traditional male viewers in an attempt to go after female viewers. This included making the logos “warmer and more human,” because the logos before were “too male and too dark.” The biggest change was in the feminization of the programming shown on the Sci-Fi channel.


The feminization of the Sci-Fi channel was not limited to Battlestar Galactica. Over time there has been more fantasy and less science fiction because women are more interested in the supernatural and the paranormal. Scripts were rewritten to have “more relationships” (more drama) and fewer “space battles.” The Sci-Fi channel’s remake of Flash Gordon ended up being a flop because it lost many of viewers after the first episode, where not much actual science fiction was on display. The Sci-Fi channel even changed its name to “Syfy.” While the issue there was trademarks, this name change effectively represents the death of the Sci-Fi channel. This season three gay characters will be added to various shows on “Syfy”, one of which will be part of a “communal marriage” with “heterosexual and homosexual couplings.” This will mean less programming where men actually get things done and more relationship drama, which will inevitably drive even more men away from the channel.

Your rights end where my feelings begin.

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All I can say is that so far, this series is more blood & guts. I was turned off by the "touchy-feely" shows they had on there for awhile (can't even remember the titles).

Okay, yeah, I see about two shows they have now that I like -- everything else matches the "softer" branding. And what's with WWE on there? Trying to get back the male audience without actually going back to the channel's roots? Whatever.

Anyway, per the original idea of the thread, the new series looks promising.
See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus

Shut Up & Jump!

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