
How Important is Teaching/Learning Cursive Today in School?

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but I write 'backhand' which simply means the letters tilt the wrong way,

How interesting. :P

"The leftward slant is indicative of people who are emotionally unexpressive, introverted, and even selfish"


"You generally like to work alone or behind the scenes. If you are right-handed and your handwriting slants to the left, you may be expressing rebellion."

Mine slants barely to the right--if at all--but when I was taught cursive, I was taught to angle the paper/tablet slightly from the bottom-left corner toward the upper-right. It is still how I write today, even though I print. I wonder if that is taken into consideration in such highly scientific studies in writing as it relates to personality?

Edit: Just wrote my name several times with the paper straight. Looks the same as when I tilt the paper, but no slight-right slant. To the links' credit, I am neither super-social, nor anti-social. What can I say? I have "my people" and to everyone else, "good luck". :P
"Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin

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I believe that the process of learning to write in cursive teaches kids to think about performing a certain task with two different points of perspective. Both are acurate but different in thier presentation. Both a correct but each one serves a different function depending upon the presentation one wishes to express! learning that thier can be m,ore than one CORRECT way to do something is very valuable! .Imho.

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Many opinions on this, here. Personally, I feel that how well you write is a major reflection on yourself. Someone could be very intelligent. If they print as an Eighth Grader would? The result is either diminution or complete negation of their message. Children print their words. Adults write in script. More-refined adults write in clearly legible script.

I've always been embarrassed by my handwriting. I used to struggle to make it look super neat. I never succeeded in that. I was very happy when I discovered daisy wheel type writers. I understand that schools are having to try cutting different curricula to make room for more math & other state-mandated (misguided?) changes. IMHO, they should not cut the English language out of the course plans. I believe I was taught script in the first & second grades. What other Earth-shattering courses are they going to teach them @that age? I once met a bright kid who was 17yoa. I discovered he only had a fleeting idea about an event called WW2 (?!)... His school thought it more important to teach him what the Sumerians did five thousand years ago. So, 60 million people dying over a six year period fell on the back burner. They already give these kids homework @that age. Why can they not let them learn the other half of the English language that way, too?

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I believe that the process of learning to write in cursive teaches kids to think about performing a certain task with two different points of perspective. Both are acurate but different in thier presentation. Both a correct but each one serves a different function depending upon the presentation one wishes to express! learning that thier can be m,ore than one CORRECT way to do something is very valuable! .Imho.

It sounds like you are going through something personally that you are having trouble otherwise expressing. Tell us more about your relationship with your mother.

"Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin

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