
War affects or crazy evil ?

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Stress of the times, affects of war, or wayward
morality was evident to our fairly decent city, early yesterday...just blocks from our home !

In a police response, a veteran of the Gulf War opened fire on the Fond du Lac City Police Officers & responding SWAT team...killing a 28 year old Officer who was an Army Veteran, having served 5 years in Iraq & Afghanistan.

Another young officer & his K9 were also critically
injured before the shooter, turned the gun on

My heart & prayers goes out to the families & friends
of the Officers.

I also find I'm having a bit of sympathy for the shooter...:|

I'll never understand suicide, nor why a suicidal kills others 1st, but I also have to wonder what triggers an accomplished individual like this ?!

I can't help but realize the irony of "one of our former troop's"... kills another... "former troop" !

The comradery they would have shared; if they had served together during war time -v- life & times back in the States, as civilians !

Crazy evil SOB, or affects of war ? [:/]:S:(>:(

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This has been a hard year for LE across the country. 2011 is looking to set a record for the number of officers killed on duty!

Although most folks only interaction with a Police Officer is when they get a speeding ticket, understand that their jobs are more dynamic than just traffic enforcement. That there are dangers that you don't see and understand by watching "COPS."
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I predict this one will be going to the other forum.

That said.. WAR changes the people who survive. WAR certainly changes the lives of the families of those who do not survive.

Do you think those changes are for the better?

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