
Cross-Braced Canopy Design

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I was just thinking about X-braced canopies and was wondering if a cell design like this was ever tried:

Ignore the dashes inside the cell, I had to put them there to maintain the spacing.

|---/ \---|

I'm wondering in this case if the middle vertical rib can be omitted as above.

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Your drawing reminds me of a canopy from a small canopy builder in the mid-90's. Damned if I can remember their name or the name of the canopy right now.

There is a lot of unorthodox stuff that is tried but never makes it to production. I heard a funny story once. Some container builder was putting a new design in production. He happened to be talking to a competitor on the phone about it, and verbally explained the design. A couple days later an envelope arrived with a photo, and a note asking: "Does it look like this?".

He called the competitor and asked: "Where the hell did you get a photo of one of my new rigs?"

The response: "Oh, that's a photo of a prototype I built years ago."

I left out the name of the competitor, but I'll give you one guess.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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