
Today I cast my vote for a new world order

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I cast my vote in the hopes that my children and their children
will one day know the freedom that the rest of the civilized world enjoys.

You do know the freedom that the rest of the civilised world enjoys, you're part of a country run by a democratically elected government in which you are represented. Part of democracy is that the opinion of the rest of the country matters too, not just your opinion. Otherwise the logical conclusion of regional devolution is everyone following Peter Griffin's lead and flying the flag of Petoria, or Zeporia, or Daveonia in their back yards.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Not a great turn out, I was hoping for at least a 60 or 70%
turn out, but of the two and a half million who voted 80%
voted for Catalunya to become an independent state.
That's around 2 million signatures being sent to the UN and
Brussels asking Spain to change it's constitution and set
Catalunya free.

Gone fishing

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