
Coloradan in China

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Hello DZ friends!

My name is Henry and I'm planning on getting my A license in October (when I'm back home in CO for a little). I live in Shenzhen, China (right near Hong Kong) and am hoping to try out several drop zones in SE Asia as I keep my license current/ work towards my B license. Anyone have any experience jumping here in Asia? Glad to join the community and can't wait to get up in the sky!

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I have no experience with jumping in China, but just got back to the US after living in SE Asia for three years.

Thai Sky Adventures is a "regular" DZ not too far (in global terms) from Shenzhen. It is about an hour south of Bangkok and the DZ can arrange fairly cheap transportation to/from airport, as well as reasonable lodging. They fly a Pilatus Porter, which is a good aircraft, and turn it pretty well. 4-5 jumps a day, once you have your license, is not unreasonable. They are ATC restricted for some of their jumps (I think it was to 9000ft IIRC but don't quote me), but the rest are to 13,000ft. Landing area is spacious and flat.

The Philippines is a different story. Great for scuba, not so good for jumping (though the people are wonderful). The two small clubs in the country fly C-172s to 6000ft. They are quite expensive and you'd be quite lucky to get more than two jumps in a day (I never did). Most of the other DZs in the other countries in SE Asia (Indonesia and Malaysia) are reputedly similar.

Don't rule out Australia for a winter trip either. Ngambie is great and I have heard very positive things about Tooloowah as well (the rest may also be fantastic but I don't know).

Please let us know if you find a DZ in China. :)

You can have a lot of fun skydiving without ever making a hook turn, swooping, or flying a tiny highly loaded canopy. - 377
No, no; without good grammar, skydiving is meaningless - Andy908

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