
New Guy

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Hello DZ! I'm new to skydiving and this website. I basically know nothing about skydiving and I never jumped before, but after watching videos and just thinking about it, I can't wait to learn more and give it a try! I will hopefully be jumping for the first time this summer in South Jersey. Nothing is official yet, but I have a good feeling it will be in the upcoming month or two. This poor college kid got a job and saved up enough money for his first jump!Anyway, let's say I want to get certified (I know I didn't even do one jump yet, but I can dream...) how much will the whole process cost me? Anyway, can anyone provide me with some good posts that help noobs like me learn about skydiving and the first jump?
Hi again and Thanks!

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welcome. definitely have your funds lined up so you dont have big gaps in your training.

i've been sitting for two weeks now, but that's weather related so there's not too much you can do about that...B|

have fun up there

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It aint cheap but damn it is so worth it! I haven't been doing it long but from what I've seen the only thing better than skydiving is having a steady girlfriend AND skydiving!

Welcome to the site and go jump as soon as you can!

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If you buy a package deal you can probably get you a liscense for 2000. That's not including gear. MosT dz.'s have gear rental, so if you are broke like me, you can rent gear for a while until you can save up enough to purchase you're own.

Good luck and blue skies
"Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."

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If someone budgets $5000, then they can work it however they like. I was also considering the coach jumps, helmet, googles, altimeter and jumpsuit in my round-about figure for start-up costs.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I agree with you're estimate 100%. Just letting him know that you don't necessarily have to buy all your gear up front or just after you're A. I don't think it would've been possible for me to wait to save 5k when I could get 25 jumps including 4 coach jumps and aff with gear rental for all 25 jumps for $1800. I started jumping last july and just this past weekend got my own rig/helmet/alit. I spent more money in the long run by waiting to get my rig, but at least I was in the sky while I saved up the gear money.

"Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."

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