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Hey all, I'm new to the forums and not even new to the sport, yet.

I'm toying with the idea of doing the AFF course but unfortunately it probably will be a while until I can do that.

I'm only 18, in high school, playing a sport, with no job. Doh.

So it'll probably have to wait. Ive been toying with the idea for a while now, maybe a year. Decided to hop on the forums and just lurk and maybe ask questions. The main problem with this sport, for me, is the fact that it's pretty expensive. I should be able to take a course this summer possibly, because I plan on working.

But yeah, just wanted to say hi. You'll see me lurking.

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Welcome! ahh to be young! Take your time, you've got all the time in the world to get into anything you'd like. and ask away!!
If you disbelieve everything because we cannot certainly know all things, we shall do much-what as wisely as he would not use his legs, but sit still and perish because he had no wings to fly.-JL

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Welcome to the forums! :)

and speaking of fast food when you do go stick to the dollar menu and drink water. Dont know where youre at but around here if you hit up tje little take out chinese food places aeoubd lunch they usually have a killer lumch special for like $4 that gets you enough food for a meal and a snack later. Thats how we doi it on he whambulance since wr never know if we will have time to stop later, and usually dont. Just a thought.

Or you ccould do the real smart smart thing and just pack food ahea of time but im not that smart so yea :( lol
Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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Skydive Air Adventures, does Clewiston sound familiar (or close)? Go on the bar at the top of the page and click on DROPZONE. you'll be able to search for the closest to you!! Welcome to the world of skydiving!!
If you disbelieve everything because we cannot certainly know all things, we shall do much-what as wisely as he would not use his legs, but sit still and perish because he had no wings to fly.-JL

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