
second post introduction

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I am a beginner skydiver from washington state. I have somewhere around 15 jumps now on the way to my A license.....been jumping at snohomish and love the instructors there and the whole skydiving culture in general. I have been learning alot here on dropzone in my spare time. i am really excited to have a new learning curve to jump into and a whole new culture that envelopes my new passion....

I am a roofer by trade and now I find myself getting lost in daydreams at work, on the roof, by any planes passing overhead. any other skydivers from washington? cant wait to jump tomorrow!

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My home DZ is Snohomish also. I'm working thru my progression. I passed my Static RCP today and my first 5 second free fall. Scared the crap out of me. My free fall was a train wreck. But hey, we all learn from out mistakes and get better.

Kudos to Jayson (my instructor) today. Cool Dude and very committed to his students.

~Hold (m)
Cause they know, and so do I, The high road is hard to find
A detour to your new life, Tell all of your friends goodbye

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I would say that my 5 sec delay was the scariest jump to that point in the progression, and after that it became more fun that fear. the 10 sec.'s are more fun because you feel yourself come to a belly to earth position and finally feel stable for the first time... Every instructor that ive had up in snohomish has been great. well have to get onthe same load soon

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