
Newb from California

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I'm a new guy here from California. I just found out that my girlfriend is taking me to go skydiving (tandem) in Lake Tahoe on May 9th for my 30th bday (which is may 12th). I'm pretty excited about it and nervous at the same time. I'm finding it a little difficult getting over the fear of the parachute not deploying but I'll get over it.

I'm sure this has been asked a million times and I'm sure you're all sick of this question by now but is there anything I should worry about? My parents are not taking this so well and have called me selfish and stupid for wanting to go through with doing this. Am I really doing something that's as risky and stupid as they say it is? I understand I'll be jumping out of an airplane here but seriously?


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Welcome to the forums! :)Here is a link to the risk overview from the USPA site. Most of the fatalities are due to people pushing the limits of their canopies. Your tandem instructor isn't going to do that, he or she wants to get you safely to the ground and be a happy customer so you'll tell all your friends how great skydiving is. Have fun and I bet you enjoy it!

Oh, and if your main canopy has problems you'll have a reserve canopy that your instructor will deploy.

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I just started skydiving in the last couple of months, with a tandem in March being my first jump. I was definitely apprehensive about doing that jump. I knew logically that the risks were not really that great, but logic doesn't override the drive for self-preservation. I think most people share your feelings and questions, especially on that first jump. Fortunately the odds are pretty favorable for you to have a very fun and safe skydive.

I just passed the AFF course last weekend and have done one solo jump in addition. I can tell you that the apprehension drops quite a bit after the first AFF jump. Even with only 7 jumps to date I feel much more comfortable with jumping out of the plane. Now, instead of someone helping me out of the plane, I purposely do a front loop out the side door.

Just follow the instructions, try to relax, smile, and breath - and you will have fun!

The meaning of life . . . is to make life have meaning.

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is there anything I should worry about? My parents are not taking this so well and have called me selfish and stupid for wanting to go through with doing this.

There are obvious risks, but as Skymama said you will be with an instructor who will not be pushing limits.

There are other risks as well though. Like what will happen if you get bitten by the bug. And then you can't think of anything else except for the sky :ph34r:

Hope you enjoy your jump, come back and tell us how you get on. B|


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Wow! what a rush for you! I remember my 1st very as well. And the tahoe DZ is a beautiful place... mountains, lake in the back ground.. yeah man.. you'll def! enjoy. As mentioned by the other posters, the risk factor for tandems is much less than for fun jumpers. As for your parents, they are only expressing (although in what I would say in an inappropriate way) their concern for your well being and saftey.. they want you around. This is understandable, but alas.. you are of "adult" status, and sounds like you have been making adult decisions for some time now. They have to let go and allow you to make those decisions which hopefully they have prepared you for thru your up bringing. It will be hard if not impossible to change their perception of the saftey or lack there of in this sport to them... the only way that SOME of my family were able to understand is to go to the DZ and see for themselves exactly what goes on and how gently we really do come down. I do have an agreement with my wife to call her after EVERY jump to let her know I am safe...and although could sometimes be construed as a hassle, its a small consolation for me to be able to enjoy this WONDERFUL activity. Its was, is and I pray... shall be something that I will be doing for a LONG time. Enjoy your jump.. relax, breathe... take in the view. Rest assured your TM will take good care of you. Look forward to hearing how the jump goes and hopefully....maybe huh? adding another to the fold ( c'mon on down to Skydance/Davis,CA where the views are great! as well!) .... blues/soft landings
If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.

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is there anything I should worry about?


Hitting a planet at a very high rate of speed. good thing you'll have 2 parachutes!

Chance of death or permanent injury doing one tandem is going to be around 1/500,000. Look up stats for other stuff, and decide if it is worth it or if it is selfish.

I'll start you off: chance of getting hit by lightning in a given year- 1/700,000, in a lifetime 1/5000.
So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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