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Hello to all, I am new to the sport, and live in the SF bay. I can't find any info on where i can buy sky boards or which of the companies around here will let me do sky jumps with a board. I can never find any info online on where i can buy gear as well as train for sky boarding. And am hoping you all could possibly direct me where to go or what web sites to search thank you all in advance

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Well now.... Did you see the Thing about Troy on TV this weekend...

That being said.. you need to have a "FEW" jumps under your belt before you try that.

As far as DZ in the Bay area go.... there are a few and can be found up above where the radio button for DROPZONES is.. and search for LODI....BYRON...DAVIS....HOLLISTER... pleanty of palces in the Bay Area and with the appropriate amount of experience I am sure you could jump a board almost anywhere.

You may want to PM the user DOUVA... he plays with his board in the sky a bit;)

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Welcome to the sport and this website. How many jumps do you have? You can fill that out in your profile.

I haven't tried skysurfing myself yet, but I think you should probably get at least a few hundred freefly jumps first until you're very comfortable in a stand, sit, and a little head down before you try strapping a board to your feet.

You're not going to find a whole lot of info on skysurfing because not too many people currently do it. I've seen and heard of people skysurfing at dropzones around here, and I think most dropzones will allow it as long as there is room on the plane.

I know a couple of people with some skysurfing experience at Skydance in Davis, you should ask around next time you're there. They might be able to teach you. I also know there are a few skysurfers in Perris and Elsinore in southern CA.

There are a couple of companies that make skyboards. You could also look here in the classifieds. You'll probably want to start on a beginner board with sideways bindings so you can deploy on your belly.

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