
First AFF jump- what a rush!!

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Ok, I admit it. I am an adrenaline junkie.:S

To scratch the persistent itching caused by the need for speed and/or adrenaline inducing activities, my son and I did AFF at Raeford, NC. Many thanks for Tony and his staff, they were all great and I had a fantastic time. The jump went great and I'm now working on getting the second on the schedule and past my finance minister/social director.

But I also have a confession. This wasn't my "first" jump. Maybe from a perfectly good airplane at altitude, but the "first" was with a 4ft milsurp drogue chute from a maple tree in the back yard when I was ten and playing 82nd with my brother. The DZ was at the base of the tree and the Hitler hordes needed to be taught a lesson by the fearless kids with the little parachute.

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