
New guy in the sky.

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Hey to all!

My name is Neil and I'm from the UK.

I started doing static line but winter came and faced with the propect of starting from scratch I went for AFF. I recently completed my AFF course near Madrid in Spain. All I can say is why ever didn't I do this sooner?!

One question, how common is it that people have problems on AFF? Lets just say things didn't always go so smoothly and had to do a couple of retakes.:(

Was all worth it in the end just to get the Level7 jump done!:D

Already convinced work to give more time off and I'm heading back mid april to get some more jumps. Is this the start of living off tins of beans and having an unhappy bank manager?

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Hi! Welcome to the forums!

Congratulations on completing your AFF! I did mine a month ago at the Freefall uni near Madrid, had a great time! Don't worry about having to re-take a couple of levels. In my opinion, I was lucky to not have to re-take level 2 (managed to lose an instructor on exit and not do my tasks), but apparently, did well enough to get to level 3 - I subsequently went on to complete all the 7 levels and all consols with no problems.

Now all you've got to do is get your consols done and apply for your A license! From what i've seen so far, skydiving is an expensive sport to get into, but the rewards out-weigh the costs by far - its all worthwhile in the end! I've already sold most of the stuff that I own to pay for jump tickets and start saving for gear!

Where abouts in the UK are you? Have you had any thoughts on where you are going to be jumping?

Congratulations again! Blue skies :)

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Hey Neil,

Welcome to the sport! I am new too and I had to retake my level 5 several times. I really felt pants about it at one point but hey if you want to skydive you have to keep at it, and I wanted to skydive so I kept at it.

Personally I was as tense as anything in freefall and just got worse the more I screwed up (you know thinking I was relaxed but really I was clawing at the air! F*@k me I'm in freefall!!!HELP!):S Then suddenly it just seemed to click, oh this is what they mean...relax...ahhh. and suddenly it all just seemed to happen.

The psychology of throwing yourself out of an aeroplane is a huge hurdle in itself before even getting in the door, although I could exit well in FFall I just tensed up. Some people just sail through and others take more time, just like driving tests and anything else.

But hey! you did it brother and good for you! And as for living on baked beans - do you still want friends at altitude? Oh an bank managers like people without money for some reason so I would'nt worry about that too much.


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Cheers for the replies guys.

Also did my AFF at the Freefall Uni. Really enjoyed my course by the end of it but there were some times I thought I couldn't do it. The instructors there are great. Managed to give me the confidence to carry on. I had Luci for my instructor, paitience of a saint! Had to retake level3 after losing altitude awareness:S and had a confidence jump after a scarey level4.

Never really had a problem with gas at altitude though, was more concerned with not acidently falling out the door (those Porters are small!) but I can see beans may be a bad option!

Where do you guys all jump? Live in Nottingham so hoping to sign on at Langar.

Blue skies and soft landings.


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Is this the start of living off tins of beans and having an unhappy bank manager?

In a word? Yes! It's all worth it in the end though B| Welcome to the forums and to the sport!


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I will be jumping at South Cerney, near Cirencester. Just waiting for my BPA membership to arrive in the post and i'll be all set to go!

Currently saving for FS1 - i'm planning on going back to the Freefall Uni to do that in a couple of months hopefully. Yeah, that porter does get a bit cramped when there are 9 skydivers in it!

Wouldn't worry about losing altitude awareness. I semi-lost my alti awareness on my 5th consolodation jump (when I had a cameraman filming me). Shows how easy it is to lose altitude awareness when you have something to distract you! Important thing is that you learn from it - and don't let it happen again!

I still opened at the correct altitude, but it came a lot faster than I had expected it to!

Good luck doing your consols, maybe jump with you sometime in the future!

Blue skies

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One question, how common is it that people have problems on AFF? Lets just say things didn't
always go so smoothly and had to do a couple of retakes.:(

In my limited experience (I started in June 2005), it's very common. Most of the written stuff on the net
or in books aimed at new jumpers makes it sound like everyone passes in 7 jumps, or whatever the
program minimum is. I know a few people that have indeed done that. I know a lot more people who
have repeated a level or three. Then there's me, but I'm a problem child. :)

To be fair, the written newbie material is probably written that way ("you'll get right through it!") to help
encourage people. There is also probably some element of not wanting to put it in somebody's mind that
they might have to repeat a US$150 jump.


Is this the start of living off tins of beans and having an unhappy bank manager?

Beans - yes, bank manager - maybe not. If you consistently end up with only £10 to your name a week
from payday, you don't really need to keep a bank account.


PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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I'm currently doing AFF(level 6 coming up) and have already had one repeat(level 4) and then did one "relax dive" after my level 5. I did everything I needed to do and was passed, but didn't quite feel ready for a solo dive. I'd much rather spend the extra money and take my time. My non-instructors friends at the dz encourage me to move on when given the option(no one has ever said you MUST repeat, they always ask what I feel would be best), but I feel way more confident having repeated a couple dives.

“Everything looks perfect from far away.”
Postal Service, Such Great Heights

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