
Get this one... still trying for my first...

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basics first, hey all im mike from duryea, pa (2hrs north of philly), 28y/o and into sportbikes, snow skiing, wake boarding, and jet skiing. i figured it was about time to add skydiving to the list so i did some research and found www.skydiveems.com about 30 minutes from my house so i made some calls and scheduled myself, my girlfriend, and my sister all to do tandum jumps on saturday (oct 9th) at 2pm, we arrived at the site and did out paperwork and such but they were waiting for some cloud cover to clear so we chilled out for a bit and got to know some people... anyway long story short there are only 2 tandum chutes available this day so i let the two girls go up first since neither wanted to be alone so they jumped and i was incredibly excited for my turn.... upon landing and getting things back in order, chutes repacked, etc... all the clouds moved in and the wind picked up so they called off the rest of the jumps and asked me to come back up on sunday morning at 11am, i was going nuts listening to there stories all the way home and all night for that matter stuck living my jump vicariously thru them, low and behold they are both hooked and scheduled more jumps already... jump to sunday morning i wake up at 9 and all looks well outside, about 10 we start to head out to the DZ when the skys darken, we arrive at the DZ at the exact time the rain did, dammit... reschedule til wed at 5pm due to my work commitments.... everyone is now telling me its an omen and to not jump, thank god im not superstitious, i cant wait.. as a matter of fact i too has scheduled my next jump for the end of this month based solely on there excitement level... i cant wait, its like being 10 again and trying to sleep on x-mas night... :D

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haha sounds like karma and you should just forget the tandem and go straight to solo! ;)

i know what you mean about it being like xmas eve again though, my new rig gets here tommorow and im SO excited i dont think ill be able to sleep!!! it's like im 5 years old all over again :D

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Hi, and welcome.

Don't worry about those people talking about omens.
Skydiving is very safe, it just seems dangerous, but hey that's what makes it fun. Heck I'll bet it's safer than those other things you do.

I hope you enjoy a long and fruitful skydiving career.

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, will be true!

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Something like this happened to me when I did my first skydive(a tandem).It was a sunday, and in the morning it was soooo cloudy...I got upset because the dropzone would have activities again in only 15 days from that day...[:/]
A friend of mine told me that it was a sign for me not to jump,but the next 2 weeks passed so quickly that I didn´t listen to her.After I jumped I realized it was worthy to wait, and I was more secure to jump than I was two weeks ago.After this I started doing AFF,oh man....much better solo jumps!

Good jump!;)

blue skies

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They are right. It is an omen. It's an omen to not jump in a storm or bad weather!

Geez. If it was an omen every time the weather rolled in, we'ld all be freaked out.

Have fun on your skydive!

Keep us posted.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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