
Longtime Lurker, Firstime Poster

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As soon as I can. I sent an email to Eugene Skidivers to see how soon I can get started. It is still the rainy season here in the Northwest so I don't know if they are up to speed yet this year. I am eagerly waiting for a reply. I chose static line over AFF for financial reasons and they are the closest DZ to me to offer static as an option.

Soon I hope...
Why get married? Just find a woman you hate and buy her a house.

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Chris, welcome to the forums, take your time here. There's a lot to learn. I, too, have an extended off season here in Canada, have been counting the days and killing time by buying gear on e-bay. I have a long lost Uncle in Eugene, would really like to trade DZ tee-shirts with you, drop me a line, we'll set it up;)

The Sky is NOT the Limit, the Dirt Is!!

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As soon as I can. I sent an email to Eugene Skidivers to see how soon I can get started. It is still the rainy season here in the Northwest so I don't know if they are up to speed yet this year. I am eagerly waiting for a reply. I chose static line over AFF for financial reasons and they are the closest DZ to me to offer static as an option.

Soon I hope...

If you really want to get through the progression, you might try a skydiving vacation to a DZ with nicer weather - a lot of people come to Florida from UK, Ireland, etc. to get their jumps done in just a few days...you might check out DZs to your South to see if they have anything available.B|
Z-Flock 8
Discotec Rodriguez

Too bad weapons grade stupidity doesn't lead to sterility.

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