
Where's Joe Deal?

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Hey All,

This post is both an introduction/greet, and a "Hey, this guy is cool, if you see him, talk to him" kinda thing. My name is Jim - i just 'really' started jumping this summer (3 jumps total over the past 2 summers, 38 so far this summer (well, i wish it was still summer)). My home dz is the ranch up in gardiner, ny - and i love it. So hey everyone - you were right - this sport rocks. Glad i finally got the rocks to just accept the debt and expenses and say "yeah, it's f**cking worth it".

The 2nd part of my msg is about a guy i met at my dz. His name is Joe Deal, and you may have the chance to meet him yourselves. Joe was visiting the Ranch for a week or two - around the time of the big ways up here. It was also right around the time i got off student status. Basically - what i want to say is this - Joe is a good guy - he helped me out, he was really friendly, nice, etc - all around good guy. And, he's taking the next year (or so) off and travelling the country. Yes, that's right, visiting friends and family (i'm sure) - but also going from dz to dz. So you may have the chance to meet Joe. Joe Deal. The nice guy w/the memorable catchy name. So if you do run into him - tell him his friends up at the Ranch are checking to see how he's doing. And if you are Joe Deal, feel free to post and let us know how you're doing, where you are, and when ya might be popping back in up here.

Alright - that's about enough typing out of me for now. Blue Skies everyone.


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Joe was at our DZ this past week (The Skydiving Place, Parkton, NC), and stayed until Sunday, I believe. REALLY nice guy with an unassuming manner. Easy to get along with, and just an all-around nice guy. He told me where he was headed next, but I've slept since then and can't remember. B|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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JOE DEAL!!! JOE DEAL!!!...WE MISS YOU!!! COME HOME SOON!!! hey joe, if you read this, email me and goose your mailing address so i can send u some pics of the wedding you missed!! or....hmmmm...... oh yeah...your email address would work too!! hope you're travelling safe!! i have to go to bed now...the "HUSBAND" is ordering me too...lol... ttyl!!! miss you!!:)

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In reply to all replies -

Yeah, i'm not surprised friends of Joe are popping out of the woodwork now. Joe Frigging Deal - i like that alot. Blue Skies everyone. and thanks for the www.joedeal.com link. And Joe - if ya read this - take it easy buddy - blue skies.


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Yo yo yo, Joe Deal. Check out Joe! I came accross this post earlier. I got to spend time with "The Real Deal" before he left on his Journey. Jumptown is my home DZ. Make sure that when he comes to your DZ you get his butt on some freefly loads for me. He kinda goes both ways if you know what I mean. When he comes back home Id like to see him a full blown freeflyer. Ya Joe! Anyway, Joe is a great person. So when you see him say say hello from Jumptown for us.


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Here I am!

Jim, Kevin, good to hear from you guys - I'm glad I was able to fool at least a couple people into retaining a positive opinion of me ; ) Hope you guys are doing well. Feel free to drop me a line anytime - my email address is in my profile.

For all you Jumptown folks - yeah, I miss you too. AWWWWW..... Myriah and Goose, if you can tear yourselves away for a minute and email me I would love to see pix of the wedding. By the way, Myriah, nice screen name. Who thought of that one?

And PJ and Ian, I hate to say it, but I do need to focus on RW for a while so I don't end up like you guys. No what am I saying, I love to say that. We need some better base people for the hybrids anyway.

I'm in Lexington KY right now on my way to visit people in Louisville and Cincinnati. I was going to spend last night in WV, after driving from Charlottesville VA, but once I got to WV and realized that it was full of West Virginians, I decided to push on through, tired or no. What they say about it... it's all true. Man, what a place.

Like Rob said, my website (www.joedeal.com) usually has some info on where I am & where I am going. For instance - Bridge Day next weekend. And after Bridge Day, I think I may head to that WV town where they saw the Mothman back in the fifties or whenever it was, and see what THOSE folks are like. That should be a trip.

So the adventure continues... and I'm looking forward to meeting more of you cool people out there!


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You know...about Joe Deal, I think he was on every load that I did an AFF jump at Jumptown. Like all of you said, very cool guy. Always wished me luck on each level. I look forward to seeing him back at Jumptown next spring.


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Hey, it was no trick. You were well liked by everyone who met you at our DZ. You should swing back by there sometime. After November 13th, we'll have a super otter there full time.

Cora and I totally want to do the same thing. we'll just have to save our pennies for few more decades. B|

Take care Joe, and we hope to see you back this way soon.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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joe made it out to jump with us at Skydive Virginia this past weekend! super cool kid (that will be $20 joe) and hope he makes it back! safe journeys my friend!

next time i will tighten the goggles so they don't come off and i can see where the camera is pointed!


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Hey there, it was great to meet all you guys too! Another place worthy of a piece of my car's bumper. Be careful what you wish for, I may be back sooner than you think depending on how my trip evolves...

Two things to do before I come back:

1) learn some ASL ;)

2) get a better stand (or gain 50 lbs.) so I don't get left behind on future "sitflying" jumps

I think Thomaston GA is calling me next.


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DUDE! I wish I had thought of this earlier! Would you be able to make it to my birthday bash this weekend at Parkton? There will be food...and beer...and, uh, other stuff that parties encompass. Maybe it won't be as tame as the one you were here for this past summer. :P

It would be great to have you there dude. B|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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I just have to say....I have my own Joe! His name is Trucker Dave, and he makes his home at Perris Valley in the winter. I had 23 jumps and an A license.....and I knew shit! He took care of me, made sure I was paying attention, and gave me SOLID advice. I have too say that the people in our sport who help out the newbies, and make sure they stay heads up....well they are the ones who rock! Here's too Dave an Joe! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!

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