
Update your numbers!

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Heya all,

I'm working on some features that required me to change some of the column types in the database. Some "Text" fields have been changed to "integer" fields to allow for "greater than" and "less than" searching to be done on them.

This impacts your jump number fields, license numbers, years in sport, exit weight, canopy size, reserve size... and most other number fields.

On making the change the database tried to convert your text entries to numbers. Check your profile and make sure your data is still accurate.
For example, if your jump number entry was:

2,300+ .... this would have been changed to 2 (everything before the comma ,)
1,250 ...... same as above
800+ ..... this would have been changed to 800
A few ...... this entry would have been removed

Check your profile:


You can enter only numbers in those fields in the future.
Safe swoops

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