looking to contact the basejumpers in British Columbia

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I'm tired of the big smoke (T.O.) and I'm looking at making the move to BC.

I'm looking to contact as many BC jumpers as possible, especially ones with contacts in engineering.

shoot me a pm if you're out there or if you know of people who are that do not post/read here


south african sam

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Damn, a year ago I was complaining there were no active jumpers here, and that I couldn't find a mentor. Now I'm complaining that it's getting too crowded.

Just kidding guys... ;)

Looking forward to flicking something with y'all. Everybody wants a piece of the Vancouver!

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Everybody wants a piece of the Vancouver!

Plus, being from "the big smoke", I assume he's used to not being able to see the sky. So he's got that going for him!


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Damn, a year ago I was complaining there were no active jumpers here, and that I couldn't find a mentor. Now I'm complaining that it's getting too crowded.

A whiny parachutist. I'm shocked, I tell ya. :|


Just kidding guys... ;)

That's what they all say. :P
If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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