
Non-Jumper "DAM" Comments . . .

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This is one of the most interesting (and longest) posts I've ever read amongst our small family. Shows we all care about our sport, even if we won't always admit it!

Can't totally blame all those guys for their kneejerk (or is it just 'jerk' ?) comments. They don't understand our world; the only 'Flik' they know is from channel to channel on the remote control glued to their hand.

How joyous it is to not be one of those people but to know what BASE is all about, to know these sorts of videos aren't fake, to know what adventure lies out there if only you have the balls to try it.

Reading this hasn't made me angry that they don't understand us, it just makes me happy that I'm one of you and not one of them.B|

DJT (Slider down in windy England!)

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I believe I can curse as well as those stupid xxxks! Who gives a flying fxxx about what other people think of our sport, right? We jump for ourselves, not for these idiotic xxxks, right?

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"Obviously winded himself"

There's only one thing worse than that and it's when you get a stitch from running after a large meal.

Reminds me of the "Holy Grail" fight and the Fleshwound comment. 'Tis but a scratch'.


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Sharkfuckin rocks.

Rat for Life - Fly till I die
When them stupid ass bitches ask why

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Sharkfuckin rocks.

Heh you beat me too it, I liked that comment ...

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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