
Jump numbers

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I apologize if this has been posted before... a search failed to turn up what I was looking for. I'm curious what some of the highest jump numbers are. I read in an older post that less than a dozen BASE jumpers have over 1000 jumps, and I was under the impression that no one had over 2000, but this weekend someone told me that Yuri has over 6000. Is this true?

Hopefully this doesn't sound like a BASE whuffo question. :$ I'm just curious.

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I'd bet there are around 20 people with more than 1000 jumps. I suspect that someone may break 2000 soon, but I also believe that no one has done so as of yet.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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I would be more interested in who had the most objects.............. :P

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Sure, some french people should have over 2000.

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Are you sure? I live in France and I haven't heard about such number. I think Eric F has something like 1200 and I thought he is one of most experienced french jumpers. BTW there was nice article in Paramag (June03?) about their base expedition to Madagaskar.


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As far as I know, EF and Z are the most experienced french jumpers. I don't believe either of them is over 2000 yet.

I suspect that the most experienced jumper on earth (in number of jumps) is French.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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So anybody over 1500?

Is it really so important to know this? Why is it? I want to know..

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In skydiving you have about 70 thousand jumps for one fatality. Nobody could have 70 000 jumps. What is same number in base? 5000? 1000? I think most experienced jumpers could be above this amount. And what is probability distribution? Exponencial? Or power? This could be very interesting number.


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In skydiving you have about 70 thousand jumps for one fatality. Nobody could have 70 000 jumps.

I hope you don't believe that as it's written.

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Is it really so important to know this? Why is it? I want to know..

No. It's not. We're curious. Or to quote you:

"I want to know..."

We don't deserve to know, but we have a right to ask. ;)

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Eh, I don't really care if someone has 1500 jumps or not, I just really doubted that someone had 6000, which was why I made the post.

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Maybe if we skipped taking showers we could keep up with them?
If you have time to panic, you have time to do something more productive. -Me*
*Ron has accused me of plagiarizing this quote. He attributes it to Douglas Adams.

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Hello Tom,

> As far as I know, EF and Z are the most experienced french jumpers.

There are others too ;-))

I think C should have that number...


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