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I had my first offheadding today,120 on the A i jump normaly.I went 2seconds from 400ft,and there it were.not really a bigproblem in that case but on the video it looks like the wind push me further than the 120 ive got..IO had hands on rearrisers,trying to stopflyingforward and then make a turn.
Any tryed such before?on the video it looks like i make a left turn towards the A,but my arms aint moving...
I didnt have the wind 100%in my back, ilanded down wind,making a turn in my hardness just before i hit the ground so i had my bad leg after me and up in the air.Only my hardness vidness about my trip while it got abit dirty>:(.
I have video which i could give on demand(think skydivemovies is down at this time)..it filles 2,7mb and is in mpeg

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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At least you're alright. Good that you're back at it. Did you ever get a chance to do that S?
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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Did you ever get a chance to do that S?

not yet but will when it gets warmer in the water and i have got some of this rust off me;)wanna play?

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I have video which i could give on demand(think skydivemovies is down at this time)..it filles 2,7mb and is in mpeg


I demand the video :P

drop me an email with it.


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I'd like to see the video. PM me with the path or post it here.

My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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A good launch, the pilot chute was tossed at one second. A hard left opening to immeadiate rear riser input.

As you swung under the parachute you grabbed the rear risers. The riser input caused the parachute to stall, thus starting to fly backwards. The turn may have happened any way since it was in a stall. The wind was definately a possible factor and it's possible there was more input on the left side.

Take a look at the nose just prior to brake release. It was still fluttering indicating that the parachute was not pressurized.

Upon releasing the brakes, It fully pressurized and Surged forword. It took about another second before control was regained.

Did you flare? It looks like a rear riser flare and a turn to land on the good side.

I'm happy it worked out for you. Welcome back.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Nice video! Welcome back.

Ouch on the landing.:S Looked like it hurt.

To my untrained eye, and my poor playback quality, it looked like something was dragging behind the right side of the canopy. I saw it just as the camera zoomed in to you and just before you went sizzling over the tree tops.

Thought maybe you had lost a steering toggle.

Anyway, I'm thinking why turn around and take the downwind landing?
Of course without having been there and seeing the landing area in your sector at the base of the tower, I'm just speculating that the downwind was the best option.
It looked like to me the wind was blowing strong enough that you may have been able to hold your position facing the tower with some 1/2 brakes, and S-turns to bring it on down.

Nice jump Faber.


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Thanks evry one for input you all say the same.


Thought maybe you had lost a steering toggle.

Belive me if i had lost a toogle i would have screemed all the way down(it were the way i had my accident;))


Anyway, I'm thinking why turn around and take the downwind landing?

at the time were i should deside to go left or rigth it seemed as i would land in thouse trees if i turned head wind.Quick desission.As you say it migth be posible i could have landed it headwind no problems.


It looked like to me the wind was blowing strong enough that you may have been able to hold your position facing the tower with some 1/2 brakes, and S-turns to bring it on down.

I will try that if i get a similar another day(hope not)

Again thanks to evryone to give input here.I think theres a good describtion here of what happened.
I will still mail the video out to thouse who require it.

EDIT:and no the landing werent hard(says a guy which tecknical still has a broken leg),only my hardness and closes did get dirty(look at pic)but i didnt hurt myself at all,thanks for the concern;)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber


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can i got the video?
it is up online somwhere?

"jump, have fun, pull"

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Yo Faber

Can you send me the video?

Glad to gear you're back jumping ;)

Stay safe


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I have now studiet my video a couple of times,and i can see that when i through(instead of just release)the pc,i pull my left arm abit back,could that be the thing that caused my 90 in the first place?
Just a thourgth..

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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