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Posts posted by 5.samadhi

  1. Quote

    >Why not just make a little booklet out of it and have the Group Member dropzones
    >make everyone that's flying a wingsuit sign a statement saying that they've reviewed
    >and understand the material?

    Can you honestly say you've read and understood the waiver at every DZ you've visited?

    Thats some legal mumbo jumbo, I can honestly say I've listened closely to every DZ briefing I've been given at new DZs by experienced jumpers. Thats a closer analogy even though the mediums are different (paper to talking).

    Most waivers are presented in my experience like "this is something we have to do for legal reasons here ya go..."

    They are not presented to skydivers as educational material like a USPA wingsuit textbook would be.

  2. Quote

    I agree with alot of what you said and I see the benefit of having a standardized ffc that we all use. I just don't think requiring a special instructional rating to teach it is necessary.

    Why not just make a little booklet out of it and have the Group Member dropzones make everyone that's flying a wingsuit sign a statement saying that they've reviewed and understand the material?

    I'm in the middle of opening a new dz right now. I don't want to sound rude, but if the uspa is going to make it a rule that I can no longer teach people to fly wingsuits out of my airplane until spot or whoever says I can, I think I'll pass on the group membership.

    Thats exactly what I thought from the beginning. The USPA should group/organize the data and then distribute it to members and experienced wingsuiters so everybody can be working from the same 'textbook'.

    Information not rules

  3. Quote

    i think you are paranoid.
    real scammers wouldn't care about the gear

    I think you are probably right about it being an OK deal, but the question the OP asked was how could this be a scam and my answer was the way it could be. Paypal is very easy to abuse if you know how it works.

    A way to get around this by the way is to wait for the funds to securely transfer, this is beyond the initial transfer, which is unsecured if the sender is unsecured with paypal.

  4. He is probably hoping to get the canopy picked up during the intermin time that the funds are transferred but not secured. After the pickup the funds source will be severed with paypal upon which the funds will not be securely transferred and your bank will owe the funds to paypal, which you will pay.

  5. http://www.amazon.com/Holux-M-1000C-Bluetooth-Recorder-Waypoints/dp/B001QRCZ7C/ref=sr_1_8?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1349449445&sr=1-8&keywords=GPS+logger+5hz

    Would this device work well for tracking/wingsuiting determining glide ratio and horizontal distance/fall rate?

    It is 1hz which means 1 record/second (right?). Would this be sufficient for recording my flight or would I need to find a 5hz logger???


  6. Quote



    With the tandem I pitched 10sec after exit. Dont worry, there was a lot of vertical separation before they deploy.

    what if they had a premature? :)
    what if he had to cutaway on top of the tandem

    he's claiming since the tandem usually opens 4,000' feet lower than his main deployment if he has to cutaway he will be able to cutaway and open his reserve and still be higher vertically than the tandem B|

  7. Quote



    its funny you mention jeb corliss as a success driven example in comparison to this youtube guy since he started base jumping because he was an unstable young man that deep down wanted to die.

    Gee...never met one of THOSE at the DZ! :D

    None of had any head noises in the 70's.....right.


    hahah to both ya :D

    sidenote someday I'd really love to blaze a doob with you twardo :D