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  1. James, yes, she did make it back. She opened at 3k. and here's a question for you all... Ive heard arguments for both unstowing brakes in this situation (on the main) and for flying stowed on both canopies.. thoughts?
  2. 115 jumps.. ive been doing camera for maybe 10 jumps now.. it hasn't been a problem for me because I don't usually have an issue with the 'capture the shot' mentality.. as you can see, i wasn't making any effort to really get a shot.. i was just falling and looking.. got distracted, sure, but I wouldn't put all blame on the camera.. i have two helmets - one with the drift innovation and one without.. and i do switch back and forth between them depending on what i'm doing, but i really never paid much attention to the camera.. it's there for me to just remember and relive the jump, not for me to try and be a camera pro.. i will keep jumping with the camera, but I just do need to remember to not grow an ego and remember safety before fun..
  3. the camera did play a role in it of course, but I really didn't appreciate the 'trying to impress the girl' comment.. as many people said, there was nothing impressive about that camera shot, and i was simply enjoying the backflying.. when I did flip over and watch her open, that was simply for my enjoyment.. the bigger distraction was my poor decision to commit to watching the full opening of the other canopy and disregard my own altitude..
  4. i did flare at the last second when I realized I wouldnt make it over the top of the house.. My logic was: I didn't want to PLF off the roof.. I didn't want to smash face first into the chimney or the roofing.. I ended up sliding onto the roof.. actually not a hard landing at all... I was afraid if I did anything but stop myself there and then, my canopy would snag on something or deflate as I hit the roof, and I wasn't about to run off a 20 roof structure..
  5. wow, i really didnt expect all this attention... First off, let me apologize for the vigil comment and make it clear, I was never blaming my gear, simply making a half-shitty joke.. Secondly, I was also not trying to impress anyone with this video or low pull.. I was simply enjoying learning to backfly, but yes, at unreasonably low altitude.. The reason i didn't land between trees and house was because of 1, the wire, and 2, i was getting blown to the right quite a bit.. That was also my reason for the last turn, i was afraid I would get blown right into the trees on the right, and I was aiming to reach the back yard..didnt happen... I did get a lot of shit for this, and yea, well deserved.. Lessons learned: pull higher, be more altitude aware, and get an audible... The santa music was just to once again to relieve the tension and to have a bit of humor in an otherwise shitty and grave situation.. sorry to anyone i pissed off with this, feel free to scold me some more, but if anyone leaves more creative criticism, it is also very much appreciated.