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Jump Profile

  • Home DZ
    Bozeman, MT
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  • First Choice Discipline
    Formation Skydiving
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  1. My cutaway was my 2nd static line jump. I had a line over malfunction.After I let go of the plane arched and looked up I had line twists no big deal I thought I had them on my first jump as well. When I tried to un twist the canopy was spinning enough to twist them back up the other way that never happened on my first jump so I looked up at the canopy and saw the line over. My first reaction was arch from my ground traing(not nesseccary on a low speed maly) then I located and pulled the silver(one handle cutaway and reserve deployment student gear). I felt like I was dropped it spooked me into my arch again. My round reserve was open almost imediately I rode it down to a very hard landing on my butt(had to sit on my side for a week) but was other wise fine. I wasn't able to jump again until the next spring(I live in Montana) The next jump wasn't any different than my first I knew what I was getting into when I started and now I knew my reserve was a viable plan B. My family didn't understand when I started after the reserve ride or now after 600+ jumps. I jump because I love it.Don't let a reserve ride stop you from jumping! Let it be a reminder that shit happens so don't let yourself get complacent. Shaneman