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Posts posted by tonyhathaway

  1. Well, after much consideration, I have decided to take an extended trip to the west coast starting in early September right after the richmond boogie. I'll spend most of my time in Las Vegas to pursue a job playing my drums for a living. I have been skydiving full time nearly 13 years, done 12,000 jumps in those 13 years, (plus 1,200 before that just fun jumping) , met a lot of people. With 10,000+ camera jumps, I wonder how many of my photos hang on walls around the world?
    I like playing my drums now more that I do jumping. Just as many years ago I decided to move to florida and try to skydive for a living because I liked skydiving more than throwing boxes around in a warehouse--that move worked out OK for me! Making a hobby a job isn't always a great idea, but again, I managed to do OK skydiving. I hope to pick up some part-time work out west doing video some while I sort out my new endeavor. I figure why not try this. Its a long shot, but if it doesn't work out I don't think I'll forget how to shoot video-and I'd kick myself for not trying!!!
    Thanks to all. -Tony
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  2. here is a shot I did with a 1/40th shutter speed. I have only used 80-100 iso with the exception of a FEW jumps over all the years. I mostly found no reason to.
    The subject here is blurred, as they are supposed to be, that is why the photo was shot during the middle of the bipole block. but look closely at the background. Clear as can be. Its all about holding your head still when you get to slow shutter speeds. Its tricky, but it can be done......
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  3. Buy a Van Halen CD, it cost $15. Ask Van Halen if you could use their $15 CD to use in a soundtrack for a Jim Carrie movie, do you think they would charge you $15 and give you a disk and say go ahead? Its the same CD and music. You don't pay for what they give you,(a cheap plastic disk) you pay for what you get. (the ability to use it for something other than just listening to it) This goes for a company wanting you to shoot a tandem video for their commercial. you do the same thing, go out and shoot a tandem they expect to pay $50 since thats what the "fun" tandems are paying. They aren't paying for what I'm DOING (though that is part of it) they pay extra for what they GET out it, meaning the advertising.
    My long winded reply is that it doesn't matter if you are a professional with many jumps or a beginner. If you shoot photos that someone wants, that means they are good enough that someone wants them, and if you want to charge for them there is NO reason not to. If you as a shooter wants to put one on YOUR wall, it cost you.If anyone else wants to put one on THIER wall (or advertising) then they can share in the cost as well. If someone doesn't want to pay, and you don't want to give them away, then you will always have the people who don't like that. Get used to it really. I still deal with it sometimes. There are always people who want me to get a 9-5 job so I can afford to give away my photos. Just my opinion........
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  4. At least they don't want exclusive rights. With AFV (americas funniest videos) if you submit video to them and agree to their terms, it is exclusive to them. they pay $250. At least the last time I read their contract that is what the deal was. That is why I have had nothing on there. I choose to not agree to their terms. I send it to other places that pay way better and don't want exclusivity........
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  5. (maybe the changes are about a world meet, but Paul and I have always disagreed on the "part of the team" for camera)
    You have a good point about costing the team. We can ONLY cost them points, we can't put more on the baord by being good. During any competition I agree the camera is part of the team. My "not part of the team" arguement is more for most camera flyers want to charge the 4 or 8 people money to shoot them. Myself included. I'm not talking about the 10 rounds during a meet. I agree with Paul that they have to be part of the team to make everything work. Out of the 60-80 teams at a US nationals, I would be interested to find out how many cameraflyers paid their way to the meet, paid for their possibly hundreds of training jumps, and didn't take any money from the 4/8 flyers. Unless a whole team's expenses were split 5 ways, NOT 4 ways, with one coming out with a profit, only then, will I ever agree that the cameraflyer is PART of the team. Again, not counting the 10 rounds during nationals, even myself, as a hired camera last minute has to be part of the team during the event to make it work. I guess I'm talking "morally" part of the team VS. technically during the meet.
    If you trained all year, but never actually made it to the meet because someone got sick, my test for part of the team still stands. (for me anyway)
    1) was the whole years expenses split 5 ways?
    2) or, did 4 people spend money and the 5th profit?
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  6. well, I'm a big fan of the camera NOT being part of the team. Only because I'm a firm believer that its about the people doing RW. We are just a way for the judges to see what the 4/8way is doing. Its also the reason MOST video people charge the team per jump while the rest are paying thousands of dollars for their training. I seem to be in the minority with this thought. But many camera people claim they are part of the team, but they still want their expensed paid and their $15 per jump. making the camera part of the team was a good way to not let the team get rejumps from a bad camera pool.
    It goes both ways, if a team wants the camera to be part of the team, imagine if the team suddenly got $100,000 from a big sponsor. Would they give the camera $20,000? I doubt it. (there are exceptions to every rule of course)
    But when you look at it that way, "part of the team" may take on a whole new meaning.
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  7. if the videoperson can be replaced at any time,sounds to me a lot like they aren't part of the team. You can only replace someone ON the team with a registered alternate, or you withdraw. (airspeed, 2004 nationals I believe)
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  8. I used a PC 100 (the camera itself is a MUCH longer lens than like a PC10, don't know much about others) with a standard .5 kenko lens. It is about like shooting a PC 10 WITHOUT a wide-lens. I shot a 4th place open and 7th place open team,in '05 and '06 and didn't do too bad with it. It does make the exit more critical.-Tony
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  9. My response to anyone who gives me grief over what I charge, I just tell them it is very unfair for them to basically want me to get a "real job" so I can afford to give them photos for cheap or free. One of the problems with part of that, if I had the "real job" all along, and sold photos for cheap all along, I would have the equipment or experience to produce high quality images that they are now complaining about cost too much. It doesn't happen much now, but it still does. It becomes a catch 22 if you let it.
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  10. Hi. I'll be in boston next wed. and thu. 16, & 17th. Anyone around for an evening out? Call or email. Thanks-Tony
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  11. I did use a flash. One problem with automatic, if you have a dark subject (like the tandem) and the camera exposes that properly, the background will be washed out. I control the background with the camera settings, and the foreground with the flash.
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  12. I just shot this to show what can be done. This is the extreme end. Yes, I know my sensor is dirty now. This, again, is untouched from the camera. It was shot at 11:20am. VERY bright out. Anything on auto shoots what the CAMERA wants to shoot. If you want what YOU want, manual is the only way to go. (some exceptions, of course). -Tony
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  13. a higher f stop number will darken the background up. that as long as the shutter stays the same. JUST putting the number up will drop the shutter speed in an automatic mode. this photo isn't darkened in photoshop. its a dark-ish sky, but it was done with exposure settings on the camera, not the computer. Both are needed. its what came out of the camera. You can do many things just with your settings. change the settings and experiment. just remember, you will screw up a lot of photos before you learn what is good and what isn't. if you make the original photo with a very dark sky, your subject will be as well so you would need to do something about that as well. -Tony
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.