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Posts posted by tonyhathaway

  1. No one specific. I believe YOU are talking about laws lasting so long, I get that. I am just saying that there are LOT of people out there who think paying for photos is just crazy. I have dealt with MANY of them over the years. People that think whatever I shoot, they should be able to use as well no questions asked.......
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  2. I think it's time to redistrubute the wealth of those music copyrights there Douglas. It's not fair that you have musical talant that some people are willing to pay for, and some of us don't. We all should be making money off of YOUR music........B| (it's amazing that some people actually think this way)

    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  3. yeah, you're right , 4x5 inches is big. I was thinking of maybe a 6x7 centimers i guess. I used to want a medium format camera so much back in the 90's when i was shooting slides so much. Never got one though......
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  4. it works the same with money. michael moore makes a movie where he thinks some people make obscene amounts of profits. But michael makes more in one day from that movie than I make in a year. But I don't think he makes too much. Just because he is better at making money than I am doesn't mean he makes too much. More power to him. I couldn't disagree with him more on his views though. That is a separate issue. It's not his fault I don't make a lot. it is MY FAULT. I don't deserve a penny of HIS money. But people think it's always someone else that is the problem.
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  5. ( i don't even know where you stand on the issue, i just happened to reply to your post and wasn't directly talking to YOU to quit) , but, fair enough, on what you said. but I still think on a large scale, people justify why their own consumption is ok, but "others" should stop theirs. And skydiving burns a LOT of fuel every year. I am all for it. I don't tell others to stop burning fuel in their SUV's or private jets either. If I can justify why it's OK for ME, then I have no right to tell someone it isn't right for THEM. That is my problem with it-that happens a LOT. Maybe I'll come to chicago now, it can't be much colder than florida the last couple of weeks....B|

    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  6. by the way, i agree with you, if it's an issue or not, saving is all ok. It's just more often than not people generally talk about what OTHERS need to do, but justify to themselves whey their own burning of fuel is OK. -Tony
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  7. my point, where do you draw the line? is a fun activity like skydiving OK because you LIKE to do it? or do you only drive to the store once a week because you burn fuel for FUN??
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  8. nearly EVERYTHNG, if you believe that way, you're right. I just happen to not worry about any of it. I'm not complaining about the "killing" of the earth. I only have a problem with the hipocrites who way "we need to stop" but don't them selves stop. Make sense??
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  9. 25,000 gallons of jet fuel just to put ME up to altitude over the years for a pointless activity like skydiving. (pointless in not necessary to actually survive) it's an activity we all WANT to do. If you skydive, and think "climate change" or "global warming", whatever the term is today, is caused by man burning fossil fuels, you are part of the problem. Stop skydiving and help the world. Lead by example.
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  10. laci from converts a kodak camera to use with a remote. 5 or 7 MP. they are great for tandems. not as good quality as a nicer SLR, but great for saving your neck.
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  11. at sebastian 1999 nationals I used a heat pad (little hand warmer) inside of a piece of cordura wrapped around the camera. I got lens fog, but AFTER 35 seconds, but while everyone was in the video room airing out their moisturized cameras, I was dubbing. No problems. Its like the frosty mug. It isn't frosty until you take it out of the freezer. Its the temperature change that does it. (partly) But keep the camera warm at altitude, and if you can keep it warm on the way down, you won't have any problems. It's all about the 35 seconds. Mine would fog, but WAY lower than most, and the camera never required me to remove the tape.
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  12. practice, practice, practice holding your head still. no matter what actually happened to your images, or what people tell you what shutter speeds to use. Look at this photo. It was shot at 1/40th. Look at the background. It is in focus. The girls spinning the bipoles are blurry. But again, the ground is good. That's at 1/40th! So, with practice, you can shoot easily down in the 1/200th range (where so many need to be with flash)
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  13. in indiana life begins at 20 weeks. If you're stillborn at 19, they just discard the fetus. If you're stillborn past 20 weeks, they make you have a birth certificate and a burial. Not my opinion, but the state of indiana.........
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  14. Quote

    with my ringsight I just cannot see how a line could snag on it.

    I have seen video of a reserve baglock because it was entangled with an ALTIMETER. It cleared after about 5 seconds. nearly everyone wears an altimeter.
    People have gone in with entanglements and lines snagged with THEIR OWN CONTAINER.
    EVERYTHING is a snag point. Camera helmets just add to that. I have had to use my hook knife once because my swoop cord was snagged on my helmet. Never imagined that could happen.
    I now realize, EVERYTHING IS A SNAG POINT.
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  15. Imaging if your photo turned up on van halen's latest CD cover! Using many cameraflyers arguement of "I'm selling the video, not the music", they are selling music, not the photo, but not a camera person in the world wouldn't be pissed. (if they just did it without permission) Just because they don't "need" the money and most of us "do" that doesn't make it right for "us" to do it but not "them".
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  16. If you or anyone you know is in the marketing/stock photo sales business PM me. We could partner up. I have a very extensive collection and would love to get some more photo sales outside of skydiving. I do a reasonable job getting the images, but I suck at selling them where the real money is at. -Tony
    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.

  17. Laci shoots some of the best photos in the world, and many of them are done with a "crappy" old rebel 6mp camera with crop factor and slowish burst rate. Give him a shoe box and aluminum foil up there and something nice would come out of it. ;)

    My O.C.D. has me chasing a dream my A.D.D. won't let me catch.