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Dropzone Reviews posted by Divalent

  1. I stopped by for a couple of fun jumps on a weekday this summer when I was down that way visiting relatives. Nice place, seems to be well run. They had their waiver online so I was able to get that out of the way before I even arrived. And they also have a 5 page "DropZone Briefing" newsletter on their website that gave an excellent overview of the facilities, the LZ, and their usual procedures.

    Folks were very friendly and welcoming, got me checked-in in no time, and got a solid briefing from Quinn, one of their instructors. I did a solo just to get myself familiar with the space and then a 2-way with another low timer before family duties ended my visit. Only con (minor) was the standing water in some of the landing area (but they recently had a lot of rain, and I wasn't gonna let a bit of water stop me).

    I look forward to returning when I am visiting the area in the future.