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  1. Does anybody actually know who the jumpers were, apart from JT Holmes?
  2. Taking a manufacturers logo, rotating it upside down, and labeling with a different name - that would be copying. All the swept wings on jet-fighters are copies of some old design? It's just aerodynamics acknowledged, used by some earlier, by others later. It's not copying in my opinion.
  3. This might be because the definition of an inlet doesn't change with time ;)
  4. I actually think we'll see them diverse even more. Not every development is towards that of bigger wing. Also in the smaller wingsize, there are a lot of exciting changes and developments regarding backflying, aerobatics and performance. So far we havent really had a standard in inlet design or wingsize or shape. Every few years it changes. For better or for worse...who knows...but it seems to be an eternaly evolving thing... I agree. I'll put my thought in other words: The designs aiming for max glide ratio will be about the same. Although, each season there will be probably a new, 'revolutionary' 'technology' on all the x-birds, z-birds and y-birds, V5, V6 and V7's.
  5. Wingsuits will be all the same soon in terms of planform and 'technology'. Arm-wings from hands to the feet, further extended leg wing. There are no ripoffs, just the steps in wingsuit evolution are taken in different time by different manufacturers.