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  1. Hey people; new around here... Back in 2007 i began my AFF course in Australia following 3 shoulder dislocations and an arthroscope. Stage one went fine; JM1 had a hand mount cam so was not holding on to my left shoulder. Shoulder had rigid taping. Stage 2, no cam; on exit he pulled my shoulder out (shoulder was still taped up). They had no idea it was out, and with all the adrenalin I had mistaken the dislocation for a temporary "out then back in" occurence. Regardless, i had no intentions of proceeding with the stage 2 drills. The JMs on the other hand had no idea it was dislocated and began bringing my arms back for the delta position thinking if i won't do it myself, they'll do it for me; not fun! 4000 came around, deployed, and nearly fainted out of pain (easily the worst dislocation i've had). Ended up using both arms to steer and flare, resulting in a torn bicep tendon too. Three years and a full open surgery later, and i'm back starting my AFF again; at stage 5 now and so far no problems. Still tape it every jump though!