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Dropzone Reviews posted by Trafficdiver

  1. I started my AFF course in the northeast but was only able to get to (but not pass) C1. Planned on doing one jump at Z hills but ended up completing my AFF and doing a solo jump as well.

    I credit getting through it on the instructors being really positive and experienced. I jumped with Sally, Martin and Tommy Jr, while doing my re-currency course with Tommy Sr. All of them were awesome and helped my confidence immensely. There was a family feel to the whole place (literally).

    The facilities were clean and it seemed well organized overall in my limited DZ experience.

    Oh yeah drinking beer at the bar with all the harcore jumpers afterwards was a great experience as well.

    Planning on going back in late Feb/March to work towards my A license.
    I plan

  2. Tsunami Skydivers is a mid-sized drop zone located so close to the Pacific Ocean that you can look down and see surfers on the climb to altitude while watching the sun dipping into the ocean.

    Need anymore reason than that? Well, here you go.

    Free coaching with a cool staff that's happy to have you and jump with you, and enough tandems coming through to keep the plane rolling. There's also a strong set of fun jumpers, both belly and freeflyers.

    The PAC 750 is a rocket ship that gets you to 13K in 10 minutes.

    Now, here's the difference between Tsunami and most other good DZ's I've been to, the town. Oceanside is awesome! It has excellent restaurants, beaches and, most importantly, it's own brewery!!! Just ask the DZO to hook you up with the good places in town and you are set!

    No showers or camping facilities, but the motel we stayed in was inexpensive and close.