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Everything posted by ruleofpull

  1. The Benny looks great-thanks for the suggestions! I'm not from Oz, I'm Canadian, eh?!
  2. Ola everyone, Newbie here (yay! Another noob post!!!). I've been reading the forums for a while-did my first tandem a few years ago, finished AFF this summer-working on the A, or rather will be when the weather warms. I also live 7 hours away from the nearest drop zone, so it's a challenge to travel. Anyhoo, I have an altimeter, but I really want a helmet, but not one of those super-dee-duper fancy ones, just one that can last me a few years- recommendations? Merci in advance. meh
  3. Newbie opinion here. Methinks you are asking yourself the wrong question, but then again, how many jumps do you have? Why do you want the cheapest place to skydive? Perhaps you should be asking where you can receive the best training (subjective) so that you can advance your skills in order to, one day far in the future, jump with a wing suit and your friends. The incident forums are littered with people who have tried to advance their skills too aggressively, and you really don't want to be among them. As someone with many, many tattoos (which also involves various risks), I want to learn/get it done right the first time... in skydiving, sometimes there are no second chances. Find somewhere you love, somewhere where someone will coach to so you can get to the wing suit jump, if that's what turns you on... don't try to get there too fast without the skills because all your buddies are doing it.
  4. Artsky (or Sky Art). Videos/Photos from Heaven. Heavenly Photos/Videos. Art at 180 (whatever km per hour/miles per hour you choose, 'cause I'm Canadian and we work in metric). Chuting Photography/Videography. This Video Only Works Because My Parachute Did. You try moving at _____ (speed per hour) And Get a Decent Shot. I know I'm a newbie, but I minored in English, and love word play.
  5. I just finished the solo course 3 weeks ago. My instructor was significantly heavier than me as well (although I was taller than him).Yes-when he held on to me leg in the air, we turned. After one of the first jumps, I explained to him that I felt unstable-because of this and my arch. He told me I wasn't, but that I was "wobbly." If you were unstable (as he explained) you would be flipping around in the air a lot more (barrel-rolling). I found that the turns stopped when I relaxed in my arch. Breath, relax, and arch. It gets a lot better with every jump.
  6. I'm not sure what to title this post. I am on student status, with 12 jumps. I jumped the other day, and I'm slightly confused as to what happened. There was another student on the load, and I was the 2nd last one out of the plane (the last group was an AFF, with two instructors). The guy who jumped before me was also a student. I'm a bit confused about what happened (and it didn't occur to me until later why it seemed odd): The student ahead of me exited (I think at 13,500 approximately). The plane then had to make a second pass at the drop zone, so I had to wait-not long, but at least a moment or two, to exit. I exited, all was fine, and I pulled at 4500ft (and I know I pulled at 4500). The other student was also supposed to pull at 4500, and he exited before we made the second pass. I know I was significantly lighter than him, and we both were jumping student gear. My question is: How did we manage to land within seconds of each other on the DZ? Even under canopy, it seemed somewhat strange that we were almost at the same altitude. Is it just because I'm a newbie, and don't know the different descent rates, or is it possible that he pulled high? Is it the difference between canopies? Could it be...? Just trying to figure this one out, and again, it didn't occur to me until an hour after I left the drop zone.
  7. This is all I could dig up on the lawsuit. The blog said it was dropped by November 2003. "An article in today’s paper lists the twelve defendants in the Timothy Kalendek wrongful-death suit (previously mentioned on August 14): Bell Helicopter; Textron Financial Corp.; Cessna Financial Corp.; Textron, Inc.; the World Free Fall Convention; Don Kirlin (its president); USA Air; the Village of Rantoul; Rantoul National Aviation Center; Precision Aviation; Rodney M. Tinney (pilot of the helicopter); Air Center Helicopters (Tinney’s employer). The judge in the case has dismissed all charges against the first four companies, on the grounds that building a helicopter or lending money to someone who wants to buy a helicopter does not obligate one to pay money to the next-of-kin of nitwits who try to get a close-up of a helicopter in the process of taking off. It’s too bad the remaining charges weren’t dismissed also. This is no more than a crass money-grab by Kalendek’s family and their lawyers. Update: The County Clerk’s web site tells me that on November 18th, 2003, plaintiffs in this case dropped all remaining claims. I hope this means their crass money-grab was unsuccessful. Posted in General. Comments Off By Pat – October 24, 2003"