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Posts posted by 3mpire

  1. Quote

    FWIW ~ I don't recommend a chest strap placement for much of anything. A lotta folks grab there during smash-exits and sometimes in formation freefall.

    Fair point -- I'll talk to my rigger and see what kind of solution would work well for my rig (mirage).

    My initial thinking on chest strap was it is centrally located so either a left or right hand would be equidistant. I can see how it could get in the way there, however (especially the benchmade you linked up thread--it is longer).

    Where do you generally mount you knife(s)?

  2. Quote

    It was also recommended you have good gloves in case you may need to 'short-line' a student.

    Sorry for the quick interjection/thread drift, but what is short lining? Is that like an instructor PCA...?

  3. I dropped a bomb in the tunnel once sitting on the bench. People flying in the tunnel could smell it.

    Cool thing about recirc is your fart hits them in the face at 75% and then comes back around and hits them again.

    You have to admit that's some serious hang time if even two turbine fans can't blow your stench away ;)

  4. Thanks for sharing that, I was assuming that this type of testing had to be common with tandem system manufacturers. That's really interesting to me.

    What affect does an oscillating drogue have on the tandem pair?

    I know that for reserves oscillating pilot chutes are good because it helps to, as I understand it, catch clean air and wiggle the reserve out?

  5. What piqued my interest was talking with some TIs about fall rates and how floaty a light TI + light passenger is. The more I thought about it the more I wondered... well exactly HOW floaty? Can you put a number on it? etc.


    Let me know what you find out. I'm also interested in getting laid.

    Check that other thread for dating advice, I've got nothing for ya--I'm a family man.

    If you want advice on how to child proof your studio apartment (you can't, move into a bigger place) or what car seat works best in a hatchback (there aren't any, buy a bigger car), I'm your man.

    Edited to add: upon further reflection, here is some dating advice--if you need to ADD weight to keep up with your date you're doing it wrong :):D if you need camera wings to slow down, you're on the right track

  6. I suck at math. what i've outlined is about as far as I'd take it ;)

    I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't linear, and all the other variables (jumper build, suit, etc.) decrease accuracy. But you could probably eyeball it and give a guess with a +/- MPH range.

    Just like you can argue from a physics perspective that ground speed doesn't "matter" in calculating exit separation, it's a useful easy to use number to help you come up with a rough calculation that is "good enough"

  7. Right, it would depend on the size of the drogue, perhaps different drogues of the same size are designed a little differently that would create different fall rates.

    but there has to be some kind of calculation that goes into determining that. If you want to have the average tandem fall at about 120 MPH and the average tandem weighs say 350 pounds, then you would need the drogue to slow the pair down to that speed.

    I could say that I weigh 190 lbs out the door and fall at 120 mph on my belly and a if tandem pair at 350 lbs with a drogue match my rate, the drogue is like minus 160 pounds.

    What I wanted is to say have a 140 pound TI with a 115 pound passenger and quickly calculate their fall rate.

    So taking my guess above, 140 + 115 - 160 = 95lbs which would probably fall at less than 100MPH... I don't know if that's an accurate formula for a ballpark guess though

  8. If you were to calculate the drag of the drogue as negative weight, about how much would it be?

    Meaning if the tandem instructor weights 175 pounds and the passenger weighs 175 pounds but the drogue creates enough drag so that the "relative" weight of the pair is 200 pounds not 350 (for example):

    175 + 175 - drogue = relativeWeight

    I understand there are a lot of factors that go into it but just roughly speaking (ballpark)?

  9. Quote

    True.. but then again... never mess with red-heads!

    That's right, leave the gingers to us connoisseurs who know what the hell we're doing. If you're too afraid to take the bull by the horns stay out of the ring B|

  10. Quote

    best troll ever.

    total troll/sock puppet. next thread will be about swooping on jump 75. ;)

    the only way i'd believe this is a real person is if they post a picture of themselves holding a piece of paper that says "goonieskid"

  11. Don't blow this, she's not calling the police like they usually do when you chat a girl up. Remember, when you were her age she was in like second grade, so keep your pop culture jokes post 2004. Good luck!


  12. The qualifications are pretty simple: can you learn how to use the manifest software, can you keep track of multiple things at once, can you put up with me asking you what load I'm on or what my call is every ten minutes because I'm a skydiver and we are incapable of remembering this type of information for some reason :P