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Posts posted by ManagingPrime

  1. It's changing for me and it's still largely based on where I sit on the load. If I'm close to the door, depending on where I'm seated, the first time it's opened on the climb I get nervous and briefly think about all kinds of things I would prefer not to. I also have nerves right before exit.

    New planes, new kinds of anything gets me...but you will notice it gets a lot better, especially if you have a day with multiple will start itching to get out by the end of the day.:ph34r:

    Best advice I can give from my AFF experience is to get enough sleep, eat, drink and focus on your dive flow and breathing...close your eyes and smile! You are about to skydive!B|

  2. Quote

    Our existence isn't meaningless. We're here to destroy the planet and ourselves in the process.

    Doing a bang up job so far... [:/]

    I figured that sooner or later you would give me a reason to like you. LOL

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    Should I know what gash is....?

    I find it hard to believe that you don't.:P

    I don't know phrases like that. The ones I do know I have learned then here on ;)

    At the risk of being called a Pucker I'm going to call Bull Spit.

  4. Quote


    Don't think many posters are going to admit to paying to pump "gash". :o

    Those of us that are honest and aware will admit that we ALWAYS pay.

    Well, if you want to keep making those installment payments you might want to break out the old thesaurus and find an alternate to the term "gash".... Perhaps "cleft"? ;)

  5. Quote

    15 jumps and still on a radio? WTF

    The original post about a week ago was my first AFF jump. I've had busy weekends since then.B|

    In that time I managed to learn the following:

    1. Always listen to my instructors: When conflicting information is presented default to the safest decision as dictated by common sense and previous training.
    2. Always try to get hot girls phone numbers if you land off site.
    3. Don't make jokes on the forums that can be misconstrued.
    4. Try to keep post counts under your jump count (think this will be my last post this week).

    All-in-all, I think I've made some progress in the last week in regards to keeping safe and keeping communications limited so that I don't build a reputation as a stupid prick in the skydiving community.

  6. Are we at the same DZ? If so, I would like to chat. I will be heading over after work (hope for a hop and pop on the last load) and camping out so I will be there first thing in the AM too.


    I'll work with you to help you find some decent gear. At your size, it will be relatively easy. My first rig was an impulse buy that was barely airworthy. There is no reason for you to make that mistake. Don't worry, be happy! See 'ya out there soon!

  7. Thank you Wendy. Yes, someone is going to get an earfull this weekend. :ph34r:

    In another thread someone mentioned getting a dolphin container and then used main/reserve, etc. This seems like a cheap and quick route...eeek. The idea of building from the container does seem sound.

    I think In the time I've spent (not working) doing this research I've leared just enough to annoy the hell out of a rigger this weekend. :)

    I'm trying to do as much research online as possible. The DZ is increddibly busy on weekends (I think there was something like 36 or 38 loads last saturday) and I appreciate most of the experienced people there are...on the job.

    BTW. I'm 6'00" and 160-165.

  8. Quote

    you can buy a new dolphin (freeflyfriendly) for $1,000. put a couple hundred jumps on it , then buy a nice new rig when you wont beat the shit out of it.

    Do tell. I'm at the point that I'm ready to sell my car to get what I need.... a $2,500 budget is very frustrating and renting just seems to smack of does selling my car.[:/]

  9. Quote

    Who's fault is it then?

    I can't speak with any authority as a skydiver, but I don't think there is any fault. Personally, I made the wrong decision by not listening to my gut..and my ground instruction regarding radio use and how could my instructor be faulted? There were at least two of the same canopies in the sky and someone else was making turns that matched his instructions.

    While I don't feel there is any fault to be found...I do think there could be procedures established to avoid this kind of incident. I'm just really happy to have walked away with a few lessons and some valuable experience.

    Here's an example (not nearly as extreme): On saturday I should have been doing rear riser work on a jump. I felt I was two far from the holding area to get in any of the turns and make it back. I did some 45's (already felt I was long) with my toggles and made a B-Line for the downwind entry point. I hit downwind leg just at 1K feet. I did not know how much altitude the rear riser turns would bleed and I did not want to find out...I really did not want to land in the river I was looking at.

    I did not follow the dive plan, knowingly. I did know that I could make it into the pattern If I kept on a straight heading. I did not know if I would make it back if I worked my rear risers. I made a choice based on my gut...not what I knew. I was comfortable with that choice....but I felt a bit...sheepish...disobedient...what have you, when I explained the situation, but I did not end up in the river...sooo...I don't know. I got differing opinions...after a lot experience I may actually have a knowledgeable one of my own. :)

  10. I had a pair the worked ok, but they disappeared...the "regular" ones press my glasses against my eyelids. Instructor noticed this on my E1...asked on load up what I would do if my goggles and glasses flew of my face in freefall....pull! lol that I get to ditch the jumpsuit I trying for the "cool" skygod look that the ladies seem to like so much. LOL

    Let me know how yours work for you. Going to keep working on some of the E stuff and I don't trust the goggles.

  11. Quote

    how about lasik???

    LOL... I like this reply.

    Don't know when I'll be getting lasik done as I have other plans for my money right now. ;)

    Anyone know of any goggles that have pop out lenses? Clear lenses for night and dark for the day...maybe even transitions? I'm getting really tired of using the tandem goggles.B|

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    (We have drifted somewhat far away from the original post, and the above was not meant as a reply to the original poster.)

    Indeed. LOL

    My knee jerk reaction was to take a bit of offense to some posts, but I thought about it and it's all good. Just as in the case of the off landing I think it's mis-communication.

    I understand that I can...and most likely will at some point sustain an injury in this sport. I just was curious about the statistics because of my "luck"...first tandem had uncontrolled (and unexplained) spin with line twists....first solo was off site. I figure if I know the stats, know why people are being injured and try to avoid those situations (if I can) it will put injury into perspective for me.

    The ignore your instructor part was to get some views and was meant as a joke. Maybe some people did not read it that way and if that's the case I can't blame them coming down hard on me for the benefit of other new people to the sport who might also read my thread the wrong way.

    Yes, there was mis-communication with my instructor and these things happen...disregarding that instructors radio communcation would not be disregarding my instruction as it was pointed out from the start that the radio is there for backup. I should have stayed in my holding area.

    For four days straight I trusted my instructors with my life and tried my best to follow all of their instructions. Passed my E's yesterday and now my safety is squarely in my own hands.

    If anyone was offended by my approach to the subject of injuries I appologize, but I don't think I'm going to quit this sport and take up bowling anytime soon. ;)

    While the thread drifted from what I was looking for in the original post I do appreciate all the replies...there is definatly food for thought withing the thread.

    Blue Skies.

  13. Wow. This thread did get a lot of views! Busy day yesterday repeating my C2 and doing, I'm just getting back.

    It sucks that any parts of my post were taken as a slight against any of my instructors. They've been awesome. My ground instructor saw the thread and mentioned what has been mentioned before... the radio is a back up. I've learned this lesson. I think I've learned the lessons needed from the off site landing. Perhaps I still need to learn a few lessons regarding posting online. :S I'm reminded that written communication is not always received as intended.

    That said, while the first part of my post was intended to give some context and levity (FAIL. LOL) interest was in injury rates and how those statistics (if any) are compiled. I'm kind of a geek like that. I don't know that it's pertinent to my training at all (that's why I thought it was not best directed at instructors), it's just a number I was interested in looking mentioned, I'm kind of a numbers geek like that.

    All that said, I think I'm going to go hide from the angry mob now. ;)

    Cat D2 in a few! :ph34r: